In choosing a college you need to be comfortable with your surroundings. If you are not comfrtable you will not be as successful as you could really be. Always apply for scholarships in order to help pay for college loans canbe a hassle. For the student don't rush into deciding on a major you have time most people actually change majors half way through. So, there is no rush sit back and take it all in it goes by quickly. This will be the best time of your life!
Make sure that the enviorment the campus is on is okay with you or youll never be able to study!
Make sure you keep in mind where youre going to live and what life is going to deal you in the future. Don't jump into it.
The best advice that I can give to parents/students looking to find the right college is to visit every college that you are interested in and pick the one that you feel the most comfortable on. You will be staying there for the next 4 years and it will be the best years of your life. Get to know the administration and the faculty because those are the people that will be teaching you and it is good to be known through out the school. Also, visit a campus during the school semester because then you'll actually get the feeling of college life. When you see students walking around, ask them questions because those are the people that probably know the college best, and they are also the most honest. To make the most of the college experience, live on campus. You'll make new friends, join different clubs, and enjoy being yourself. You do not get the full experience if you live off campus. College is so much different then living at home. If you are not ready to go to college, do not force yourself to go. Go when you are ready.
The first advice that I would give to parents and students who are seeking the right college is don't panic. At times the process can be overwelming, but don't give up. Think through your options. Don't always assume that your first choice is the best for you. Throughout my college selection process, I changed my mind several times on where I wanted to go. This is normal. I have heard people advise others to not worry about how much a college costs, but I believe that it is a vital thing to consider. Unless you have major scholarships or family funds, attending an expensive school could leave you in debt for many years.
To make the most of your college experience, I advise you to put your school work first. Jobs, friends, and social events are great but if they take up too much of your time they will hinder your academic success. And don't drink excessively; it can mess up your life. Get involved in what interests you. Get to know the professors in your major. Do your best.
I think that the best advice to give is to find a college in which you feel most comfortable. Where you can strive to be a better student and person. One where you can learn what you want to learn and not be forced to follow a strict education plan. Pick a college that you feel is somewhat depictive of yourself. Make sure you as a parent don't force your child into a school based on others opions or what you think is right. And as a student be able to have options and keep your mind open to diffrent things which will allow you to learn so much more and grow so much more.
The advice I would give to parents and students about finding the right college is to shop around. It's important to know what the individual is looking for and what would best fit their needs. Selecting the right college is like buying a new car. No one would buy the first car they see without checking out its features or taking a test drive first. Just because something looks good doesn't mean it will fit every lifestyle. Choosing the right college is an important decision. Academic success depends on choosing the right college and that choice will allow for making the most out of the college experience.
However, making the most of the college experience is highly individualized. It is what you make it. Personally, I would recommend living at college. It truly allows for the best experience. There's nothing like being on your own for the first time and being responsible for yourself to really open up your mind and take it all in. College was the best time of my life and the choices I made along the way have made the experience all the while. Balance academics and fun and it'll pay off!
The first thing every student should do is find something that you love doing and pursue it. For me it was the art of Film which I have loved since I was very young, but for others it may be harder to choose. Examine your life and the things that make you happy and ask yourself what will make you happy in the future.
My advise is to choose a school that has that thing you love, while also promoting a set of values such as scholarship, leadership, social exchange, the development of character, encouraging individuality and diffusing culture. We only have this one life and no one knows better than you on how to live it. Martin Luther King Jr. said "Intellegence plus character - That is the goal of true education."
fitchburg state college is well priced compared to a lot of other schools, and i know for me as a nursing major i am getting a great education for what i am paying for school. make sure when you look at schools you you are aware of the costs, but also ask about what is being done to improve the campus. if you want a party school go to u mass. its big and crazy. i like the smaller schools. just remeber a degree is a degree no matter what school you received it from.
Regardless of the school, you're going to get whatever you put into it.