When you go to colleges to visit and take a tour, make sure you like the area that college is in, the college atmosphere and feel you get when you walk across campus because if you pick the college, you will be spending the next 4 or so years there. I would adivse that the best way to make friends and figure out who you are as a person is to get involved. Most campuses are filled with clubs and organizations that do so many things. It is also really helpful because upperclassman will be able to give you advise about all aspects of the college so you can learn everything from them before you make the mistakes by yourself. Don't forget to have fun.
I think that what type of place you like to live in is extremely important. Like if you like cities then definitely live in one. I make the mistake of choosing my school based only on the education because I thought that was the only really important thing. I ended up being really miserable as far as my social life goes. I have a lot of friends...but their is just nothing to do around here and I can't stand it.
Visit 3 times and just hang out without a tourguide to form your own oppinion.
Finding the right college for you is the most important part of looking into your future. Make sure to take into consideration the size of the college you don't want to feel overwhelmed when you walk onto a campus. Second take into consideration the location of the campus. Is it somplace that you feel safe?,is it close enough or far away enough from your house that you can get the experience you desire? Third make sure the campus appeals to you. You will be living there four years of your life. you will want to feel comfortable there. The dorms are something to take into consideration. They are where you will spend much of your studying and relaxation time. Make sure it is big enough for you to feel comfortable to live in with another person. Lastly make sure the campus has some type of club or sport that interest you and get involved because college is where you will meet some of your best friends for life and getting involved in things is the best way to make new friends. Have Fun with deciding and look into it more than just the money. Its an important choice
Pick a college based on your own needs and wants, not what college your friends are attending. It is fun to meet new people and go out but know your limits and stay close to your friends. Its important to keep up with your schoolwork, but if you're falling behind , be honest and upfront with your professors and talk to them. More often than not they will be able to help you catch up or give you advice. If you are respectful of yourself and your peers then they will be respectful in return. College isn't as difficult as many high school teachers and guidance councilors said it would be but it is definitely worth the time and effort because you learn a lot and it opens many doors and windows for you.
You should balance your choice between practicality and whicever school truly appeals the most to you.
The most important things for parents and students alike to consider when both chosing a college and making the most of their experiences is to look at the academic and extra curricular programs the school offers. College is not only about making good academic decisions, but also about learning how to interact with others and adapt to the demands of the working world. Communication is imperative to being successful today and classes such as speech and psychology are of great worth even if they do not seem to directly pertain to a student's major. It is also critical that students are on good terms with their professors. Establishing a good relationship with professors will open doors to extra help, opportunities, and assisting in the process of applying for jobs, or further graduate classes.
school is first. do not get los