Estrella Mountain Community College Top Questions

Here's your chance: Say anything about Estrella Mountain Community College!


My school is way different then Page High School. Copper Canyon isn't as exciting as Page High School. Page High was a school fulled with spirt, laughter, excitement, and communication.


The school I go to a community college so it gives the student a more one on one experence where as in a university the student is in a class of say 200 students. The professor's at my school are understanding especially if one has a learning disability, the professor abides by the induviduals I.E.P guidelines. In a school where there are thousands of students it can be hard to find out where one fits into the mix. Estrella Mountan Community College has a lot of students but is also more affordable than a university would be.


My school is unique to me considering that it is nor more than a few miles away allowing me to ride my bike to and from school. As well as the outstanding NASA center which is full of tutors everyday ready to help students with any subject.


The clasoom sizes aren't to big, to the point wre I am overlooked. The intructors are great and help me to be the best I can be for the future. Another thing is that he school doesn't have any sports teams.