Eastern Michigan University Top Questions

What are your classes like?


all my class's are with a homey and safe feeling


all my class's are with a homey and safe feeling


Currently, we are wrapping classes up and preparing for midterms. This means lots of projects, tests and work done outside of the classroom. The work is not necessarily difficult, but it is very time-consuming.


I have enjoyed majority of the classes as I have had a Eastern Michigan University. They challenge me without overworking me. Many of my classes have been very interesting and engaging. I think I have only had a handful of classes that I sincerely did not like and that was because I did not like the Professors' teaching styles. I am a big visual learner. I also love listening to lectures that are direct and give me the information I need. The class that I least enjoyed did not give me the information I needed directly and my grade relied heavily on reading of a text book. That's just not my thing.


My classes so far have been great! I have taken a range of courses from the basic General Education English class to high-level French classes and I've enjoyed all of them, for the most part. Up until the 300 level, most classes are fairly easy. The Foreign Language and Political Science Departments are great, they've really done an excellent job here at EMU! I went on a study abroad program this past summer and loved every moment of it, and my French Professor joined the group and helped quite a lot - we all had a great time!