Duke University Top Questions

What are the most popular student activities/groups?


I think the freshmen year experience is the best in the country. I met some of my best friends that are still my best friends in my dorm freshmen year. i think there is a lot to be involved in. i wish there was more diversity in the social life, where there were different things to do besides rotating through the usual 6 or 7 bars based on what night a week it was.


you can have fun every night of the week if you want to. but if not, there are always people studying


What social scene?


Go greek or die


The social scene is dominated by greek life and drinking. Traditions such as tailgate and LDOC center heavily around the mass consumption of alcohol by the student body.


I'm in DTD. Social life is dominated by greeks. It gets repetitive really fast. Maybe I would know more non-drinking social activities if I weren't greek, I don't know though.


I am in DTD frat. also club soccer. dorms are good but everyone is so seperated with selective living groups that you never mix with independents after freshman year, or frats besides the ones who have friends in. if your awake at 3 am on a tuesday you may be doing blow. tailgate is fantastic and one of the only events that brings the student body together. there are plenty of things to do that dont involve drinking unfortunately i havent done any of them. students should take advantage of all the events that go on on campus but bars are more fun and an easier way to get laid....isnt that what college is about? compared to bigger state schools (like unc) the social scene is whack. biggest problem is there are no good off campus house parties, so students are forced into small apts and a few shitty bars and clubs. but getting wasted and going out with friends is a great time, there are a lot of complaints about the social scene but it is what you make it. i have fun.


Duke has an active social scene, and students generally are interested in getting to know each other. The dating scene is somewhat weak, there is more of a hookup culture, but there are a lot of long-term relationships too. If you are willing to sift through students who are mostly interested in hookups, you will be able to find someone who is right for you, and interested in dating.


Like the social life a lot.


You can do whatever you want, and you can hang out with whomever you want.