If I had the opportunity to speak to my high school senior self, I would most definitely advise myself about the importance of organization and time management. I found early on that being organized and having things prepared early on are a crucial part of being a college student. Due dates tend to appear when you least expect them too. While being a full time student, it was inevitable that in my 5 or 6 of my 8 classes I had regular homework. With this, I would tell myself to be sure to keep an organized planner, and to keep sticky notes. I found that placing sticky notes in places on things that I would regularly use or see, helped this aspect because they were reminders of what needed to get done. With this also comes prioritizing; what is due first, and what will take more time to do. I would remind myself to do things in that order becasue it creates an easier and less time consuming process. Though I feel as though there are many things I could've better prepared for I found that organization and time management seemed to be the most crucial.
If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would tell myself not to stress and worry so much about little details that are out of my control, like what my roommate will be like or how often I am going to have to write long papers. I would tell myself to focus on enjoying my last year of high school and to physically push myself more to prepare for a demanding life of being a dance major in college. I would tell myself to start eating better and using a planner so that in college I wouldn’t have to teach myself how to do those things on top of all of the other things I have to keep track of. Also, I would tell myself to start saving what little money I had at the time because paying tuition is stressful and every penny counts.
Ifi could go back in time and talk to myself as a highschool senior, I would tell myself to be more organized. By organized i mean planning out which days im doing certain assignments, just so im not rushing or feeling overwhelnmed. I would also tell myself to start going to sleep early and waking up on time for classes because that is what I have a problem with here at college now.
Oranization, plan, scheduleing. Be prepared to work hard for your dreams, high school is tough butv so is college and the real world. Enjoy every minute wheather you go part time or full time you will achieve your goals and dreas. There are people who want to help you, ask for help, accept the help. Take pride in who you are and what you want to do. Be Thankful. Your high school teachers do there very very best to get you ready for college. Greatfull. Be extra gratefull for your parents who have raised you and is helping you achieve you college dreams and have been there in the ups and downs.
What advice I would give my high school self would be to follow my original plans on where to go after high school. I have been wanting to go to Dean College since my Junior year. Unfortunately, some of my family didn't agree with the path I wanted to take, which was to major in dance. After exploring my options by going to a community college and then to a Cosmetology school, five years later I decided to go back to my original dream. I don't regret becoming a hairdresser, but if I followed my Dean career path I could have been graduated and working by now. So maybe I should really tell myself it's ok to have a backup plan but always follow your dreams and don't listen to anyone that says you can't do it. I am proud that I realized that now while I am still young and before it was too late.
I would say to try your best in school. Also don't let others distract you. Make sure you do your homework and get enough sleep.
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make sure to make a schedule and stay on top of it.
Looking back, knowing now about college life and the transition, I would tell myself to be patient and think things through first. Wanting to be like most of my classmates, I wanted to start college as soon as the following year, which was a big mistake. During my last years at high school, I didn't put much thought into what I actually wanted to have as a career in the future, all I knew is that I liked fashion. I ended up getting accepted to a college close to my house that had a decent fashion major. I hated everything about my first year; my classes, my major, the commute, etc. Due to personal issues and heartbreak, I decided to drop out of college, focus on myself and figure out what I want to do with my life. During the break, I learned a lot about myself and how I wanted to be in the future. That being said, I would tell myself to be patient and take time to think before rushing into things.
Do not give up on your goals