While no group will necessarily feel out of place their are always tensions at some point. Racial and socio-economic differences are two tensions I have faced. The clothes students wear range but there are a lot of preppy dressed students. Girls in sundresses and pearsl and guys in collared polos and khakis. Most students here are rich. Students are politically aware and active.
There is a lot of discussion about race and other such issues. There are definitely different groups around campus, but I don't really think we're all that segregated. People often bring up racism, but I've never directly seen an occurance of it. I have friends from all sorts of different backgrounds and I generally see them with people of all different backgrounds. I don't think there are a lot of people who would feel extremely out of place here. There are men and women who have strange colored hair, dreads, piercings, tatoos, etc. Students wear all sorts of things to class. Not as often sweats and pjs as they do at other schools. Girls often wear skirts (knee length and flowy rather than mini) and guys don't often wear sag and drag. Davidson students dress deciently enough that we're almost always able to tell if we see someone on campus who doesn't belong (small school also helps with that). Davidson students are from all over. Probably the largest percent of people come from North Carolina becuase it's in state, but that number is by no means a majority, simply a plurality.
Student body is small which is often limiting but also has its benefits. As a gay student, there is not a large variety of individuals to date, but there are some to choose from. The campus is becoming more diverse, but still lacks in some areas in that category. Most students are from middle to upper-class families, but their are some students from lower-class backgrounds. Davidson students also come from all over the country and the world, but there are many students form the southern US and North Carolina.
I am from an extremely liberal high school outside of Chicago and I did have some concerns moving to a school in the south. However, I found such a great mix of people at Davidson and my concerns were completely in vain. We have all different kinds of people from all over the country and the world. My roommate is from Rhode Island and my best friend is from Kansas. I think everyone can find a spot at Davidson, there is no "typical" student. The best part about our diversity is that people are willing to voice their opinions and be active in ongoing discussions. What is the value of having a diverse population if no one is willing to talk to one another about their experiences? One of my best friends is president of College Republicans and my roommate is active in Young Democrats...there really is the whole spectrum represented.
You can basically sum of the Davidson student body in one word:nice. Everyone is just so friendly and always willing to help eachother out. We work hard, but we get through the work because we do it together.
Davidson is very homogenous. I don't think that it is particularly well integrated racially. Students of all sexual orientation are accepted, although I think it is easier for gay students than for lesbian students. There is absolutely a divide between students who are in the greek system and students who are not, but no one takes it too seriously and we are such a small school that you would be hard pressed to find someone who did not have friends from many different social groups. Students are, on the whole, very wealthy. In the spring, girls tend to dress for class, wearing sun dresses or skirts, but it is not unusual at all to girls wearing sweatpants and tshirts, especially during the winter. For a college campus, its conservative. I am from New York City, so it seemed very conservative to me. Politically, there's definitely a regional divide with the southerners tending to be more conservative and the northerners more liberal.
See answer about diversity.
Not enough diversity, but what is new? There are also two very distinct groups at Davidson. There are those that party and those that don't. From my experience these two groups rarely run into each-other.
The student body is not as diverse as it could be, but at least we are talking about it. There are many types of people though and for such a small school it tries. Students are from all over, though mostly the east coast, they come from different backgrounds, but the one thing in common between everyone is that they are smart. Everyone is smart.
Everyone is accepted at Davidson.