Davenport University Top Questions

What's the most frustrating thing about Davenport University?


The most frustrating thing is not recieving adequate advice from advisors. For example, your advisor tells you that you can do something but in reality you cannot. Then that leads you to make a wrond decision and impacts you later. It is very hard to make decisions when you are given incorrect information from people who are supposed to be there to help you figure things out.


Nothing this college is awsome.


is the time in doing the papers.


I had no frustrations relating to my school. It was effective in every aspect and prepared me well for my career.


the most frustrating thing is that you have to drive off campus to get to places. Like restaurants or the groccery store. Nothing is right next to the campus, everything is like a 10 minute drive away. While it is nice to not have a really busy campus, it does get frustrating having to drive everywhere and not being able to walk.


I wish the free weight room was larger. It is impossible to work out when an athletic team is in there.


It doesn't have the degree I want, and because it's newer, there aren't alot of events going on.


I go to the Kalamazoo campus because Grand Rapid is a little too far for me so it's smaller.


The most frustrating thing about my school is that they keep changing what is needed to graduate. The money that you spend to get the degree and the out of pocket expense that is required to advance that was not covered in the original cost.


The most frustrating thing is the advisors.