Davenport University Top Questions

Describe your favorite campus traditions.


Davenport University is a very nice clean friendly campus. Instructors and staff are very friendly and helpful. Davenport University has a very high rate in job placement. Davenport Univeristy is very well instructed and very good prepared classes.


There are known for being an accreditted institution.


online schools and sports,


Davenport University is best known for its business and technology pedigree. It is one of the leaders in both fields and strives to be one of the top in the nation. I enjoy going to Davenport because of the class involvement and feeling a sense of belonging. The teachers seem to care about the students and their academic success and encourage them to work to their full potential. Davenport University should be heralded for encouraging success in life in the present and in the future of bright students that are eager to learn and make the world a better place.


Career oriented education.


Davenport University is a private, non profit, university located in Northern Indiana and throughout Michigan. The school is know for its programs in business management, computer information systems, and medical adminstration.


My school in known for being an excellent Business school. The business programs at Davenport are viewed highly by many companies.


I would say the school is best known for online degrees in Michigan. It is a credible school, and sometime that is hard to find when pursuing an online degree.


Its business and technology degrees.


It is probably best known for their strong, solid academics. Davenport is highly regarded for this.