Dakota Wesleyan University Top Questions

What's the one thing you wish someone had told you about freshman year?


I'm not really too sure, nothing have been unexpected.


I wish that I had known how to study properly so that in my harder classes I wouldn't have to waste my time trying to figure out how to study for a test or quiz.


I wish I had a better idea of the campus groups. The Theater Club is never advertised, so I didn't even know about it until I was a sophomore. Students In Free Enterprise is rarely advertised as well and it is a hard group to define. It would also have been nice to know the faculty a bit more and to have seen their faces before attending.




I wish I had taken the time to become more familiar with all the buildings and their names. I keep to the buildings that I have classes in and when it comes time to have to be somewhere else, I'm lost.


That everybody knows everybody.


I knew pretty much everything already.