These stereotypes are not true. I?ve met wonderful people here at Hunter. I think this stereotype stems from the fact that most people are quick to leave after classes end
Mostly. It's pretty easy to shift between groups, identities, interests etc. so it seems like there are a lot of niches to fit into.
Yes and no. Most students at Hunter college are very receptive and eager to meet and get to know new people, and build friendships. However, many students are also juggling jobs on the side, extracurricular activities, or are parents as well. There is a come-and-go tendency with students. Many are eager to finish their classes for the day and hop on the six train home or wherever else they are needed. Mostly, people become familiar with those they have shared multiple classes with and stick together, yet still there is a tendency with many students to avoid large groups and depend on friendships outside the college. Especially when you are only starting, and your classes are so diverse on subjects that you may rarely see the same face twice in a class setting for months at a time.
To the best of my knowledge, I think this stereotype is false. I am someone who was accepted to some of the top private universities in the country but opted to go to Hunter. I feel academically challenged because I chose to be. It doesn't really matter what institution you are at, the education you get will be the eduaction you choose to get.
Both of these stereotypes are false. Many of the Hunter students are just as bright, if not harder working, than Ivy League college students. They choose to attend Hunter not because they do not have the merit to attend an Ivy League College, but because of economic reasons. Recent accomplishments by Hunter students in National competitions prove this point.
Although we are a commuter college, and many students have jobs as well as familial responsibilities, we still have an active campus life. There are over 115 undergraduate student clubs alone, and every week there are countless events and activities. Hunter students are conscientious and caring individuals who make a difference in their community.
I think the stereotypes are mostly accurate. I would say that the least accurate stereotype is the intelligence. While there is an element within the school that harms the image of Hunter as a good college, most of the students I've met are very smart.