Natachia, you are a smart young lady and do not be afraid of the world. Your life has been hard trying to help your mother raise your three sisters and working full time at Popeyes. Go to a traditional college and accept everything it has to offer you. One day you will be married and working, so going to school will not be easy and will cause you and your family financial hardship. Education is so important and going to college will make you feel so good inside. If you do not continue your school career in college now, you will probably go back and get your associate's degree, but then you will hunger for more. You will want your bachelor's degree and a master's degree. But, you will not be able to afford going to school because you can not pay the tuition on your salary. Do not be afraid of your education baby girl, the world is your oyster and your education is only the beginning.
Don't be afraid to talk with professors and students and ask them any questions. They are there to help you not to intimidate you. Ask students what classes are best to take and what professors they enjoyed the most to get the best courseload. Get to know people outside your own hall. Find out about clubs and extracurricular activities, because they aren't always mentioned first thing. Research different programs and degrees available if you don't know what you want to study, and if you do, research more about what is offered for your field of study. Visit the campus, it makes all the difference in the world talking face to face with staff and students! Sit in on a couple of classes, chapel, and experience the social life of the students because that will be your world for the next four years. Don't let the inicial price deter you from seeking out financial aid. It may be expensive, but they may have so much to offer you! Ask about the surrounding area and opportunities off-campus. Over-all get to know more about the school so that you can be more prepared.
I would encourage myself more about being okay at community college, I had so many peole telling me terrible stories about the college transition, I was so terrified when I first went to community college, afraid of the professors and the students, concerned about not having a good GPA when I was finished with my first semester. Community college was the best route to take on the road toward college you can get all the basic classes out of the way and then if you decided to transfer to a four-year college you just focus on the classes that you need for your degree. I would have been more at peace then on my first day at colllege, able to relax more when doing homework, it wasn't until the end of the semester that I realized how silly it was to have listened to all those people. Now I know I am ready for my next adventure in college.
The hardest part of college life (and life in general) has been making friendships that last for a long time. Part of this is a result of my moving around so much in middle school and high school. I was always afraid to make good friends and then be hurt when I had to abandon them to move. What I've come to realize is that none of my friendships really get past the surface level of knowing their names and a few trivial details about their lives. I wish I had been at the point where I wasn't afraid of being hurt and actually tried to make longer lasting relationships right away. Now it's junior year, and I'm just now learning my lesson. I also would tell myself to get to know a professor or a couple of professors right away that could mentor me and help me through my college experience and provide a godly model for my profession and my life.
If I could give myself advice about college I would be sure to include topics such as worrying, making friends, and studying. Entering college caused me alot of worry and as a senior in high school I was not prepared to be away from my family for long periods of time or be in a situation where I did not know anyone. Many nights I stayed up worrying about the day to come instead of accepting that there are somethings that cannot be changed and rather than worrying about college, enjoy the experience and grow. I also would put an emphasis on making a variety of friends rather than staying with a similar clique than I was a part of in high school. Lastly, I would advise myself as a college freshman to study hard because it is easier to maintain a high GPA rather than try to build one up over the next few years. It is important to do all classwork in the first semester and get a handle/schedule of how to study in college because it is much different than high school.
In my college experience, I've learned to be myself, take control and be responsible of my actions. I have learned so much about myself through the amazing counseling program at Covenant. Counseling has not proven to make me weak but it has proven that I have a lot of issues as we all do, but I am here and willing to change my future by learning from my past. My experience at Covenant has been so valuable to me because I have met the most wonderful people: girls on my hall, helpful people in my class, great guys with purpose-driven attitudes, and inspiring professors with hearts of gold. I am so glad that I chose Covenant College for my first year of college, if I couldn't stay here I would be upset but my experience has only made me stronger.
College has been a wonderful experience for me. I've learned a lot new things that I can carry on to further my career. College to me is very imparative to have on a resume. College is good for learning more and more and networking with your peers. Its amazing how much college can help when you begin to fill out applications for jobs and when they see you have a degree you are more likely to get the job.
OUt of my college experience I have learned tolerence, humilty, strength,and faith. Tolerance will take you a long way i dorm life. There are many things that I may think are completely absurd, like sleeping with the air conditioner on, that require tolerance. Not only that, but different personalities require different amounts of attention and that too requires tolerance. I have been humiliated on several occasions, but it has done nothing more to me than made me humble. Humbling myself in different situations has helped acedemically and socially. Strength and faith in my family and the Lord my God has allowed me to push and persevere through my daily struggles. It has been valuable for me to attend Covenant simply because in the short amount of time that I have been here, I have been drawn closer to Christ. I think that is the sole purpose of this community as well. Being surrounded by o many believers is such a wonderful feeling. To be comforted, understood, and seen in a different light than that of the secular world.
Before college I had lived in Phoenix, Arizona my whole life, so moving all the way to Lookout Mountain, Georgia definately broadened my veiw of the world and the opportunities it held for me. I learned how to be independent and what the world expected of me. However, the most important lesson I have learned and will use forever is how to be a student. As anticlimactic as it might sound, I have learned how to learn. So many times I have been stretched beyond myself and encouraged to go further, in a way I have never been before. I have learned how to disipline myself from getting enough sleep at night, to making sure I plan out enough time to get all my homework done. I am sudent of God and of this life that He has given me.