Finding the right college is about finding a community of people that your feel comfortable in. If you don't feel like you are a part of the community, then you will not thrive in college. Don't try to be someone you are't, be yourself and be comfortable! There is a place for everyone in this world! Parents, please let go of your student. It's really hard to be a part of the college community, both socially and academically, with constant parental pressure. It is time for us to break free and find who we are--by ourselves. We WILL make mistakes, but we will also learn from them and all we need is your support and encouragement. We also need a few dollars and free food every now-and-then! Students, don't keep your parent's out of your life,. As an upperclassman, I now see that my parents know a lot more than I give them credit and life would have been a lot easier if I had listened to a little bit more of their advice. Also, don't over-extend yourself. Play it cool and split you time between books and play!
Make sure you love it. If you don't feel at home don't go because it'll be your home for four years.
Do your research. Start early. I suggest going to the campus and asking questions, not only to the admissions staff and the students involved, but also to other people at the school. Students should do try and do a lot on their own. Parent's opinions are important,but they will not be the ones attending that school. Don't be afraid to ask questions.
Every student has their heart set on a certain school, but you could have an unrealistic idea of that school. Stay open minded. It might not be for you. Once you get to school, do what makes you happy. Be yourself. It seems so cliche, but people go to college and become someone new. It doesn't always work out for the best. Be true to yourself and your college experience will be as great as you want it to be. You'll make amazing friends and you might lose a few, but regardless, you'll leave school knowing that you are proud of who you are and what you did.
Go to your school's counseling center to get information on financial aid and to help figure out what area of study you are good/interested in. Challenege yourself, academically, before college to prepare yourself and don't get overly anxious during the college admisssion process. Generally speaking, college isn't as bad as your anxiety says it is.
While at college, make sure you stay on top of your studies. ...Getting behind on reading can be fatal. At the same time, get to know professors, make new friends and get involved with clubs. Socializing will help bring down the stress of studies and allow you some fun time.
Make sure you attend some sort of campus event before you decide which college to attend. It is so important to choose a place where you feel you can get along with students and become involved in activities you are passionate about. Not everything you learn in college is learned in a classroom. A lot of it is how to get along with others and to achieve your independence. College is about finding yourself and preparing yourself for the world, and you shouldn't have any regrets about your decision of where to attend school and accomplish your dreams.
Check into the teacher student ratio is it is hard for you to learn in a large group setting then it is best to make sure there is a small teacher student ratio
Follow where your heart tells you to go. Dont just pick a college because its famous. If it feels right to you then its right for you, because you never know you could be the next big thing at that college!
Don't panic. Enjoy looking for a college.
To the student: enjoy it. Do your homework. You'll do just fine.
It's the education you receive, not the notariety of the college. Make sure your child focuses on education first, social life second. Look for a university that is Christian based and oriented.