Columbia Southern University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Columbia Southern University know before they start?


Please goto college and complete a degree in a field that you want be in and stick with it so you have some form of retirement.


Make a plan and stick to it. I would have seen a counselor much earlier on and worked harder at figuring out exactly what courses I needed instead of choosing most of them myself. I find that I ended up with many courses that didn't apply to what I was doing and the rules for what was needed changed as time went on because I had to step away from my education for various reasons - mostly financial. I would also seek more scholarship oppurtunities so that I could have finished in a more timely fashion.


When I graduated from HS no one was there to teach me the value of a good education; the sheer necessity of having a degree, or the rich rewards both on a financial level, as well as the personal satisfaction derived from attaining such a degree, or even the personal and professional satisfaction and growth that it affords by becoming a productive and contributing member to society. I had to learn the hard way, through trial and error and to my regret, that a good education is not only a good thing to possess, but that it is an essential one; especially in today’s fast paced and ever-changing technologically advanced workplace. Life is hard enough as it is without having to struggle day by day; from paycheck to paycheck all because you failed to pursue a higher education. So if I could go back in time and give myself one piece of advice, it would be to stay in school. Do not rob yourself of the opportunity to better yourself and enrich your life. The transition into college may be hard at first, but the sacrifices are well worth it in the long run.


Be Prepaired. Remember to stay focused and to complete the task at hand. Dont let your homework go untill the last 20 minute before its due. Also get used to taking notes, and learn to take the notes fast. Teachers dont slow down on the lectures, and you need to be able to keep up. Also meet everyone in your classes, because they will be your best friend when it comes to projects or homework. They can also take notes for you if you miss a day. Sit in front of the class, TRUST ME! You will learn much better, and learn so much more than if you sat in the back of the class room. One final word of advice . 14.Find mentors. Going through something yourself is often the best way to learn, but that doesn't mean you have to re-invent the wheel entirely and can't get guidance. Many of the world's most successful people -- from businessmen to politicians to writers to musicians -- found a mentor early on who represented an ideal that they wanted to become and took a fervent interest in them. Dont Miss class its not worth it at all.


I would tell my high school self to reflect on what he really loves doing. I would tell him to follow his passions because that is the only thing that is going to truly make him happy and ensure that he wakes up every day happy to do what he does. Following degrees/careers for the money can not bring true happiness and will eventually leave him feeling empty or lost.


If I knew then what I know now I would have a 4.0 GPA with my bachelors in Healthcare Management with a minor in Computer Science while working on my master’s degree. Coming out of high school I was very indecisive on what I wanted to major in and what school I wanted to attend. Throughout my entire college experience I have attended 3 different colleges and finally found the perfect college for me. If I knew then what I know now, I would have been applying for scholarships back in the beginning of my freshman year of high school as well as doing some extensive college research. As far as transitioning to the dorms, looking back I realized that I over packed and should have only packed what I needed. Making mistakes is a learning process so it is okay because I am now on the right track.