If I was to go back in time when I was a senior the advice I would give myself was to get started now. I would want to jump in every program I could that would get me ahead. The programs that let seniors get started with college credits are the first ones I would jump on. I would also tell myself about the career I want to do. I did not know what I wanted to do as a senior so I would give myself a heads up. I would start to apply to fire departments as a resident firefighter and start getting experience. I would let myself know that girls come after education so that I won't lose focus with my goals. That would be the advice I would give myself if I could go back in time.
The advice that I would give myself if I went back in time would be to just do the best that I can do. Not to let the idea from going to college freak me out and not go. It is a fresh start of a career that I am eager to get an AA on. College is not as bad as it sound or as I have imagined it would be like, that it is better. Make the most out of college and have fun.
I would tell myself to prepare more for what's ahead. I didn't prepare myself, therefore I ended up at a community college instead of a four-year like most of my friends. Also, I'd tell myself to get more scholarships. College isn't cheap, it's actually ridiculously expensive. Books for a math class are usually over one-hundred dollars, and that eventually adds up over time. The more scholarships that you get, the easier it is on you and/or your parents that have to pay for it. If you just get scholarships, there's no point in getting loans which can come back to bite you later in life.
If I were to give myself advice in high school it would be to defiantly be proactive in applying for scholarships and schools. I waited too long to apply for many scholarships and schools that I ended having to attend our local community college. Even though I made that mistake of waiting too long I still am glad that I went to CBC because it has saved me so much money for the same education as I would have gotten if I had left for a big university. It really has been a blessing in disguise now that I look back because I will graduate with my AA without any debt.
I would also remind myself that everyone has their own paths to take after high school and the big universities aren?t always for everyone. The college life does not appeal to me and my friends made me feel like a loser for not going to a university. I would just remind myself that I ended up doing what was best for me and my future by staying home and attending the community college and anybody else?s opinion should affect my decisions on my future.
If I were to go back in time as a high school senior I would try to get into running start program to get closer to my career objective. I would have tried harder at the sports I participated in. I would have taken class with the harder teachers to acually learn, not the easy one just so I get a good grade. That would have prepared me to be a better student, and to get in higher classes in college.
Keep studying like you did in the last part of your senior year, never give that up. It will always get you somewhere where you want to be, and alot better grades then you have now. Especially since you'll be in college, and wont have bad grades like you do. Study math alot, Pay attention to your classes. Take really good notes. Everything will be ok, life is just beggining and its a ladder that must be climbed if you want to go somewhere.
I would suggest starting school at a community college until I knew what I wanted to major in. It is way cheaper than going away to school and wasting money.
Go to school when you are young. There seems to be many more scholarships available to student when just out of high school. Use money wisely so that debt after college is manageable to the job field that you will enter. Take college seriously, the GPA you earn will follow you from college to college and could make it difficult for you to get into promising and interesting programs.
Seek a direction, find your focus and give it your all!
If I could go back in time and warn myself of the future I would tell myself to study more. I wish I would have picked that up in high school but I didn't and it really does show. I also wish I could tell myself how to save money because if I did, I wouldn't be in a tight spot right now. School isn't getting any cheaper and money doesn't grow on trees. So if I would have saved eariler I would be in such a tight spot.