College of Southern Maryland Top Questions

Here's your chance: Say anything about College of Southern Maryland!


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The most unique thing is that there are many different people I get to meet. Not only people that live in Calvert County but also people that live in the surrounding areas.


After transferring from a larger school which I attended earlier, it was a relief to have a smaller class size. The amount of attention and help the teachers give to students is significantly different and provides a less stressful environment than larger schools. Also, the proximity and ease of access from where I live allowed me to commute from my house, and retain a part time job as well. Finally, the classes were a lot cheaper than larger colleges which allowed me to completely pay for my education without requiring more loans that I would have to pay back.


My school is very diverse. We are located next to a Navy base so we have alot wide variety of people coming to join our community. My school is just the right size fo me. It's not too big yet not too small. My school fits perfectly in our neghibohood to give everyone a chance at learning. With there not being hard requirements to get in everyone has a chance at further education, and i really enjoy knowing that fact.