Taking time off is not a bad thing. You got your AA while in high school: you're ahead of the game.
I would have went to college right after I graduated high school. Study hard and participate very often. Put school first.
If I could go back in time, I would tell the younger version of me three things. Trust your instincts, make friends, and listen to your parents. Your gut feeling is usually right. If someone seems sketchy, they probably are. On the first day of class, if the professor's arrogent,or unhelpful, GET OUT. Don't try to be the one who tough's it out. Just leave. Transfer to another class that day.
The first day is the day to make friends. They come in handy for social gatherings and study parties. Always create a study group within the first two weeks of classes, no excuses. Studying is the most important aspect of doing well in school. Don't slack off. Friends help you do well and encourage improvement.
When you leave the house for the first time your parents are going to tell you to be smart. They're going to say that you shouldn't party and to save money while in Community College because you're going to need it later. Well, right now I'm in the later and YOU SHOULD HAVE LISTENED! If you don't, however, it was worth it.
I think the majority will agree with me when I say that, senior year is the most stressful time during high school. Now that I am a college freshman I am starting to realize what I should have done. While I was in high school, I had taken several dual enrollment and Advanced Placement courses to complete my college math, english, and elective courses. Looking back this was the most beneficial thing for my future. As for the advice that I would give myself in order to have a smoother transition, I would say to do myself a favor and not procrastinate with filling out scholarships and filing college applications. I would finally give the advice to take a deep breath and stop worrying about the future, but focus on the present.
If I could go back in time to talk to myself as a high school senior, I would tell myself that everything won't always work out the way you them too but that it will be for the better. I would tell myself to not stress out so easily because the professors and college advisors will be their to help you through every obstacle you encounter. Finally, I would tell myself to just let go and enjoy yourself because you might miss out on some really great opportunities if you don't.
Kathryn, make sure you go to college as soon as possible and get a degree in a trade that will let you grow through out your career. Apply yourself to your classes and get the best grades possible. Make sure the college you go to will help you find a good company to work for. Also pick a trade that you will enjoy and will be happy to go to work everyday. Your family is very important also, they need to be behind you and support you emotionaly if possible, they will encourage you to do your very best and complete your education.
In high school, especially as a senior, I was a slacker so the first thing I would do is push me off the couch and into the closest library. I would explain that it is absolutely necessary to have a firm knowledge base in everything you possibly can before you step foot on campus. The best way to prepare yourself is to develop a desire to learn and then to make lifelong learning one of your highest values. I would also indicate that there are thousands of scholarships out there and I need to take advantage of as many as I can. It's very obvious to me now that people offering you money based on your academic merit is something not to take for granted. There is so much out there and if you ignore it you'll end up struggling trying to scour up funds for all the things you didn't think of such as books, housing, and bills. Most importantly I would explain the necessity of being open minded. You don't expect to change your major three times, but you change and you have to be willing to fall into the niche that's right.
I have learned that you are never to old to attend college and that it is not a waste of time; The reason for me saying that is because I have three young children at home that have a future that depends on what mom decides to do with her future. I want them to know if you don't go to college right after high school always know that when you are ready that you are never to young, old and it will not be a waste of time. You will meet alot of people along the way that will enrich your mind with knowledge that will help you on that college experience; I want them to know that if you want it go get it don't let the next person stand in your way of reaching your goals to a good life, good future. Even though my children are still young I teach them to always be the best, be a leader and not a follower, and be a go getter. My children are my world and they are the reason I'm working hard at this so that they can be proud of me.
I have gotten professional help. I have furthered my education and hope to use this education to secure a decent position in a prestigious company. It has been invaluable to attend. There is not a price I can put on my education. It makes me a better mom, role model, and overall better person.
I have gotten a great deal out of my college experience because it has allowed me to go back to school and study a subject I really want to pursue for a career, plus it has afforded me the opportunity to interact with other people for a different age group and nationality which in turn in broading my horizon on the world as a whole and to see there aspirations are just the same as ours here in America. It's a joy to see how hunger the young minds are and I am privilaged to be apart of this experience.