College of Central Florida Top Questions

What do you brag about most when you tell your friends about College of Central Florida?


Advisors are always there to help with big decisions.


The campus


I love going to the College of Central Florida for plenty of reasons and I brag about them to my friends. I tell them about all of the classes that they provide to the student body and how easy it is to take classes that has nothing to do with the degree you are going for. I brag to them about all of the different clubs and activities offered to the student body outside our classes. And lastly, I brag to them about the cost of attending the College of Central Florida rather than a University.


I brag about my school having a reasonable tuition rate. I also let them know it offers online learning which is very convenient. I am a single mother of three children and find the online classes very convenient. This also encourages me to finish my degree on-time which is a major benefit to myself and my family. The staff is friendly and extremely helpful also.


My school always has on campus activities that get the students involved and create a welcoming and warm atmosphere. For example, we have a huge international food festival, halloween balls, and homecoming week that contains various activites to get the students invovled. Another great aspect of my school is the professors and adminstration. All are welcoming and are always lending a hand. The teaching environment makes the students enjoy their learning experience.


When I tell my friends about my school, I usually brag about the fact that it is very different from high school. I brag about how the teachers try to help you as much as possible because they know you want to be there. Also that it provides a wider variety of students in every class, creating a possibility to meet a new friend every day. Additionally, the studetns in the school all want to be there and don't act as foolish as most people do in high school.


There are alot of great teachers! I dont think I've had more than one teacher that I can complain about. Personality along with a well thought out lesson plan and manner of teaching is what I appreciate the most. You learn alot, and they help you understand the material. It's very different from how I thought teachers would be back when I was in highschool. Also, the welcome back and final exam week activites hosted by the student council is really fun!


The thing that I appreciate most about attending CFCC is that the teachers are willing to help you and assist you. They always seem very pleased to know that students are taking an interest in their classes versus just attending to receive a degree. Having professors that are excited about helping you learn and eager to assist you with any questions or problems you may have makes learning more enjoyable. I wish all students took advantage of the knowledge their professors possess.