Okay, so now you have made it through high school, congrats! Now as you enter the college scene keep in mind that it will not be easy. This will require lots of hard work and lots of support from family and friends. At times, you may feel that it is not worth it as you cannot see the end, but my dear friend these are the times that when you get ready to take that college diploma you will laugh. Remeber allways to make time for your family and friends. Your schoolwork is highly important, but without these people you really do not have much. My friend, be encouraged. Even though the work load may never cease to end, when its all said and done, it will all be worth it.
The only thing I would change would be to listen to those who were older and wiser than me before I decided to make decisions for myself. They really knew what they were talking about.
If I was to go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would tell myself to not take such a liad back light schedule. Take a couple challenging classes to keep your brain working. College is tough and your brain must constantly be working. Being "lazy" senior year will only hurt you your first year of collge until you get back into the groove of working hard and studying hard.
Well, I was homeschooled. I dual enrrolled and the transition was smoother than it is for most people but it was a huge surprise at the same time. I would tell myself to prepare for the copious amount of school work. I would also tell myself to study harder. And I would urge myself to focus on my life goal from the first day on.
College is not as easy as high school. You have to study hard to do well in classes, so be prepared for that. A 3.97 GPA does is not an easily attainable thing when you're in college. Find a group that you can study with and study hard so that you can get good grades.
Contiue to work hard and manage your time more efficiently. College is a blast, and the best way to have a great time is to keep an appropriate balance between the social life and academic life. Manage the time well, and you'll be able to have a great time with the least possible stress.
I would tell my self to be flexible and trust in God. My time here has been up and down. I have been in the hospital for a week and just recently started to have back problems. The most important thing to do is trust in God because you never know what God will put in your life.
There were alot of things that I was worried about as a senior. I had only enough money to pay for a plane ticket out here after that I had nothing. I was worried and scared because I had never been to the school. In fact I had never been to Florida and I was tempted not to come at all. It would have been so easy to stay on my island in the pacific. If I could tell myself one thing I would say, "go for it! it's everything you want in a college. Be ready to work and make the best friends you'll ever have. Don't think it's gonna be a piece of cake. It will be hard but it will also be worth every drop of sweat and every single tear. When life seems to fail and everything is crashing down, hold on because everythings gonna be ok. You're gonna make it and you're gonna graduate. So go for it!" I know that I would listen and I would go.
Focus! There are a thousand things to distract you from learning, but that is your primary goal and focus in continuing your education. Decide what you want from your college experience and go for it. Enjoy yourself and have fun, but not at the expense of your education.
I would give myself the advice of praying about the right school, considering finances, and what scholarships are availabe. I would vistit the schools and meet the proffesors, to get a feel for the environment. I would make sure that I would not attend a school for the wrong reason, and make sure that i'm at the school I am interested in.