Clearwater Christian College Top Questions

What should every freshman at Clearwater Christian College know before they start?


If I could go back in time I would tell myself to be ready to study more than I did in high school. I was able to maintain a 3.3 GPA in high school with minimal studying, and it has taken much more studying once in college than I had anticipated. I would also advise myself to prepare ahead of time for varsity sports. Playing a varsity sport at college takes much more work than playing in high school. It would be beneficial to prepare ahead of time both academically and physically.


In general, college only happens one time so make the most of it! Even though you may think that it is a going to be nothing but parties and fun, you are mistaken. But if you think that it is going to be nothing but sitting through long lectures and having to read boring text books, you are also mistaken. My advice is have a balanced life. Make sure you schedule time in to work on your studies during the week so you can have some free time on the weekends. Be yourself because no one likes a fake. Work hard to get good grades in your classes because a good gpa is earned one class at a time. And lastly, make friends if only so you can get connected with study groups. Do your best to be the best student, person and friend you can be in college. Because in general, the reputation you make in college may be the only memory people have of you during the rest of your life.


In many respects your education is not in the hands of the school you will attend or even the professors in whose classes you will sit -- it is in your hands. What you get out of the next four years will depend mostly on what you invenst. You can do enough work to get by, or even enough work to earn a high GPA, without necessarily receiving an education. There will probably never be another period of your life which will be ostensibly dedicated to learning, so take advantage of this one. Read the books, and read the good ones again. Ask questions. Seek out those professors and fellow students who challenge you and open new horizons to you. Discuss, debate, argue. Read. Attend lectures by visiting scholars. Read. Don't look for the easy grade, take the challenging class. Read. Dare to think.


Remember that poem "Our Deepest Fear" by Marianne Williamson? Well in it she asks, "...who are you not to be ( that is; brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous)?" Then she goes on to say, " we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same." I want to tell you to live by that. You are very special. There's a whole world with millions of people waiting for you to come and show them that they too are special. That they too can fly. So go ahead. Fly. The world is waiting. And remember...Never, Never give up on your calling. P.S. Love God. Love others. Nothing else matters.


Making the transistion will be easy. Being at a small school, it is easy to make friends, not only for the semesters, but friends for life. The teachers will be very helpful and being away from home isn't so bad. Being away gives an opportunity for independence while still being connected to family no matter where they are. The work is a little bit more challenging, but if you apply yourself and take the time to do it, you will be fine. Social life is great. There are more than enough opportunities to hang out with friends on and off campus.


Stay focused on the goals you have set for yourself. Make your own decisions based on what is right for you. Trust your instincts not your heart. The heart will deceive you, but your instincts come from a more rooted place inside you. Ask for help when you need it, and take time to extend help to others. Finally, trust the Lord in all things. Lean not on your own understanding, but seek God's guidance and wisdom to lead you.


To continue to stay focus and look at the bigger picture, because in the end thats all that counts


If I were speaking to myself as a high school student, I would be sure to warn of the academic distincitons of college life and the difficulties they present. While the college format is more enjoyable in some respects, it definitely is a new learning experience that any high school student could use some pointers on. One of the major differences between college and high school is the amount of time the assignments consume. It is vital to know when exactly everything is due so that you can begin your preparations with enough time to do a good job. You will not be reminded constantly of your assingments and doing them the night before gets harder and harder to do. Taking time to write each of your assignments on a calender is a valuable and efficient way to keep track of everything. Be sure to pay attention and take notes in class as it will save you from having to cram for exams. You will for certain have some very late nights studying and working on projects, but just know that they are necessary and are part of the college experience.


Focus!!! The key to staying on top of college life and classes is focus. There is so much going on during college life, and you need to keep your focus on your studies and also on extra-cirrucular activities. College's main focus is to do well, but you also need to have fun and enjoy it. Manage your time so that you get all your homework done and do not fall behind. And then set aside time to hang out with friends and establish friendships. Remember to enjoy your college life, for that is when your life starts and where your whole life ahead of you is determined. Keepy your focus on God, and He will direct you. He always knows what is best! Whatever you do, think about your decision. Do not just jump into doing something just because it sounds good. Analysize the end results. Mostly enjoy life and strive ahead for the goals that you have in mind!


Matt, listen up, this is future Matt talking, and you have a lot to learn. First of all, you did alright. You got a good grasp of the English language, and your'e steps toward learning Spanish have really helped in your two upcoming trips to south of the border. Good job on the reading, you would be suprised how many friends I have at college right now who have never read a book just for fun! And playing football was not a mistake or a waste of time, those lessons learned will last a lifetime... Secondly, WHAT WERE YOU THINKING! You need to get involved more! Try volunteering, even if it's just for once a month at a homeless shelter or cleaning local parks. Don't waste your weekends on all those stupid video games, do something productive with your time! Also, you are too young to be set in your ways already, try new stuff! Take a dancing class, try Shakespeare, pluck a few notes on a guitar, learn to surf at the beach instead of just being lazy in the sun. Go out of your way, you never know WHAT you will discover!