Make sure, first of all, that college is right for you. It would be a shame to spend all that money and flunk out of school. Go into it with a possitive attitude. You have to want it!! College will open doors for you that will come up closed for others. Pick a college that best fits your personality. For example, if you enjoy music, choose a fine arts college. If you like sports, choose a college that is competative in that sport. College is meant to be fun, but it's not going to be if it's a place that doesn't best fit you. Have fun but remember to work hard. You can do it...believe in yourself!!!
Finding a college with the best program that pertains to your desired field is obviously a consideration when selecting a college. Think about what you want to do after graduation, find a school with a department that pertains to your field, and try to contact the department head with any questions or concerns you have about the major or the school. Always go on a guided tour of campus. Make shure that the campus is everything you want it to be. Look over all parts of the campus ( Library, cafeteria, fitness center, etc.) to ensure that the school will be able to suite your needs. Take into consideration the distance between home and campus. Some students feel that they need to get as far away from home as possible, while othere prefer to stay near. While important, this should not be the deciding factor when choosing a college. Lastly, always check the national rankings of your school in partying, acedemics, and sports, this will allow you to get a feel for what the school is all about. Following these steps will definately help you select the right college for you or your children.
Take your time and find somewhere that you will fit in. Also visit a campus before making your final decision.
Ultimately, as a highschool student you should be responsible to make your own decision. Yes parents need to help, but I've met so many people who regret their college decision because of parent's influence and end up dropping out or transferrring and falling behind. You'll know in your heart which school is for you. Parents, make sure your child is making an informed decision but they will know what they want and the best thing you can do is trust them. My parents thought I was crazy for wanting to come to a military school. I told them I wanted the challenge and liked the volleyball team I was going to be playing on. As nervous as they were, they trusted me and now I'm so happy. I knew in my mind that I was sposed to be here and they trusted me. It's your four years, make the most out of it!
Think everything through, sometimes what you want as a senior in high school won't be the same as what you want as a senior in college
Find the college that suits you is half the battle. If you are not happy there you will not do as well. Being at a military college I have learned to adapt to many things but I knew what I was getting myself into. I wanted to challege myself mentally, physically and emotionally. I chose this place because it was going to suit me in the up and comming years. Make sure that you are happy with the college, professors, and the surrounding area before you decide to go there.
Find a school that will teach you life lessons and will push you to succeed.
Know what your plans are in the future, i.e. what do you want to do when you graduate. Then find a college that best fit those need. Also keep financial support in mind. The school reputation doesn't matter, its the person. Sometime the price you pay to go to a well know school as not really worth it in the long run.
I would recommend not to send their child to a college that is close to home. Go somewhere where you are going to meet new people and the college is not just high extended somewhere else. I have had the opportunity to meet great friends from all over the US and other countries as well. And go somewhere that has a good study abroad program and study abroad for a semester if you can. that was the best experience of my life and would recommend it to anyone. Last, go somewhere that you think will leave you on a step higher than other graduates with similar degrees. It is extremely difficult now-a-days to get a decent job following graduation and with nothing that sets you apart from others, you are just in the mix of hundreds. that is why i chose The Citadel to get my education.
choose a school where you know you will be sucsessful