Christopher Newport University Top Questions

What's the one thing you wish someone had told you about freshman year?


How different college was from high school.


That the professor you get can really make the difference between getting a C and an A


The town where it is located in


That the liberal learning program was stressed so greatly


I wish I knew had much water accumulated on this campus. Being located in the tidewater region of Virginia, whenever there is rain, there are massive puddles all across campus. I wish I had known that so that I could have bought rain boots before I ruined a pair of shoes.


I wish I had known to bring a bike.


They always talk about our small class size and how thats such a great thing but the thing is because they are small it is hard to get into the classes you need to take. I could have graduated a year earlier if I had been able to get into the classes I needed to take. Also, we spend alot of money building new libraries and student uniors while I personally believe that those projects should have been delayed until we were able to build some new buildings to house a) more classrooms and b) more student housing.