Give a lot of thought to what exactly is it you are looking for in a college. This includes understanding your own learning style to ensure that the college or university is compatible with it. For example, I learn best in small classes with lots of interactive discussion. With that in mind, I made sure that the colleges I considered did not have a lecture-based program of courses. Also, take into consideration the location of the school. Government and law students may want to be closer to a city in which they can find ample interships. Look for a school that has good job placement services. Consider what type of social life you are looking for whether it be a school with a heavy concentration on greek life or many campus sports and clubs. Is the party life a big factor in your decision? Just know exactly what is is you want before you get started and do no be afraid to ask questions. Remember what is that was important to you in the decision making process and remind yourself to stay committed to those things to not get lost in the college life. Keep end goals in mind!
Many colleges can be misleading, mainly because of the other students that go there. Find a college that suits you and make sure the school ACTUALLY suits you, just because they say they have something does not mean they do, they will lie through their snaggled teeth to get you and your money. Research the school in depth, do not look solely at the outside. Ask people who have gone their about their experience. Do not be a follower, universities tend to pull kids in and poison them, brainwashing them to forget the real world. Challenge every word spoken.
Visit, you don't want any bad suprises.
The advice for parents about finding the right college is to allow your child to choose. A parent can offer suggestions but never give their oppionion on which college they want the child to go to. Parents should expect the child to be very homewisck the first month of the college experience. However, parents should encourage their child to stick with it.
The advice for students is to challeneg yourself to new experiences this including both social and academic. If you want to learn Italian but have never spoken a word before in your life then try it and see it. Join an art club so that you intereact with people that you noramlly do interact with.
The best advice I can give to parents and/or students about finding the right college is to go where you feel connected. This doesn't mean attend a school because it has your major or it's close to home or it's cheap; choose a school that speaks to your soul, that excites you about the idea of learning and living, go to the school that just feels right. This will ensure that you feel happy, that you want to work for what you're doing, that you will appreciate where you are and want to give back, and that everything will fall into place because you followed your heart.
Don't force your kids to go to a school just because it's close to home or because you think it's all you can afford. Let them be the ones to make the decision based on the school it's self. Support them. :)
I would try to explain to the student that this is not only a large step in their learning, but in their growing. College can be what the student makes it, some unfortunatly are just looking to move out of their parents home and be on their own, sadly these are the students that most likely will not succeed. College is a place to grow and learn, but to also have self control. This could be one of the most important things a student learns and it will benefit them for life. I would explain to the parents that thier child will always be their child, but is growing up and must be allowed to succeed and try new things on their own. They can and will learn to wake up in time for class, and yes, even learn to do laundry (at least we all hope they do!). This is a new phase in their life and they will make mistakes, but they will learn from them. College life is a safe environment for them to be in and should be enjoyed.
The first thing that I think is valuable to students and parents when looking for the right college are the interent sources in which you can compare colleges. I also think that it is monumentally important to actually visit the colleges that you are considering and get the "feel" of it. Lastly, talk to professors, admin, and multiple students that go to the school. It is also a good idea to stay the night in one of the dorms with current students so you can see how things are run . Lastly I would suggest attending a few classes that you think that you are interested in to see if they are taught in a style that is cohesive to how you learn!
visit all the campuses you're interested in to see which one just feels right
Sometimes the largest and/or most popular schools are not the best. Choose the college that has the major you want to pursue and that has clubs or sports that interest you. Also, tour the dorms and dining facilities, as these are places that you will spend a lot of time at when at college. It is also a good idea to ask students about the college they attend--ask questions from students when touring a campus.