If I could go back in time as a high school senior the advice I would give myself is your save money up to buy things like senior portraits, cap and gown packet, diploma, school clothes, school supplies for when you go to college, and plenty more things that you will need for school. When you get money don't spend it save it because you are going to have a lot of stuff you will have to do and get. I would give myself that BIG WARNING DON'T SPEND YOUR MONEY SAVE IT. Because you will reallly need it in the future.
Be more prepared and commited to the college of my top choice. Always know what I'm getting into before I jump the gun. Have an valid financial plan when attending college and be eager for new things.
If I could go back in time to when I was a senior in high school I would tell my self to save my money I got from graduation and spend it on clothes and items I would need for college. Also I would tell my self to get prepared for doing math work with out a caculator. I also would tell myself to geta job and start saving money for my books and a car.
If i could go back in time and speak to my high school self i would tell him to "try harder, its not gonna kill you and try things that you are afraid people would criticize you about. No ones opinion is more valuable then your own and one who wants to see you happy, everyone isn't trying to see you fail. But the ones that are, you just have to stand tall and show then that theres a way to succeed without the popularity and support of everyone. Remain humble, never try to just get by. Set your goals high and always try to reach them."
If i could go back in time and talk to myself about transitioning to college, I would tell myself to stay focus on my work, use my time wisely, take advantage of everything my college may offer, don't be afraid to ask questions in class, take more chances, and to not worry about what others have to say. I would make sure i was determined to join as many clubs as i could, not party as i did, make better choices when it comes to friends, and learn to stand on my own feelings and beliefs. I would know that my teachers are there to help me and that they actually care. I would put more time into my work, and not just do enough to get by. I would read more, write more, and make myself better when it comes to studying. I would know that the more times i put ito my studies matter more then friends and other events that might be going on. I would know that it is my life and i can't lean on my parents, life would be what i made it.
Four years is not the "new" 8. The years that I spent in college were just that; years, so I would make the most of them. Time management and application are your two best friends; become well acquainted with each of them, they will serve you well.
I wish that someone would have told me that a lecture is not a lecture that it would be a lesson for me to apply to my life. Every day that you attend class, is a deposit into your account of life. Every time that you “skip” class you are making withdrawals that are creating debits that will affect you in years to come.
The debits are seen in your personal life, your family (kids ask TONS of questions, do you have the answers?) and definitely in your professional life. Promotions are a privilege, not a benefit or right. So attend class and do your time and best. What you today will affect tomorrow
If I could go back in time, then I would advise myself to be prepare for the road that is ahead of me. To tell myself that I need to become more focus, participate more in class by answering questions or creating a discussion, and to also work hard and not let any teacher give me an answer, or working out the problems for me. I would allow myself to spend more time studying, completing my homework assignments for each class, and to participate in sports or club organizations in school. Becoming motivated would assist me a lot better than just weighing myself down. There are more important things in life than just playing video games, and being isolated within my own bedroom. Also, there will be no professor to assist guide me to succeed. I would have to do it on my own. It is good to read books and I should read it everyday, because there is a lot of reading when it comes to homework assignments in college courses. I should practice learning how to write essays more during my spare time. I should start my own study group to help study for quizzes, tests, and exams.
Looking back at myself as a high school senior, i would probably have told myself to start getting serious about studying. I would tell myself that in college there is no room for playing around and that there is less leisure time than study time. I would make myself aware that there are no room for absences or tardies because every second im not in the classroom are seconds that i could be learning material that may be on the following test! I would had told myself that the more studying you do the better! There will be alot of time to do other things once my degree is earned! I wouls had to myself that i cant go into it taking tests off of natural ability that i actually have to study for tests! I would had told to myself that it really isnt that bad in college, i didnt have to be so nervous the people here are friendly and welcoming!
During this college experience I have grown and iv'e become independent. Before I came to college my mom would do all of my laundry and cook for me. My first time washing my clothes I was afraid of putting my whites and delicates on the wrong cycle. After calling my mom I felt reassured that my load would come out ok. As time went on I began to learn new things, like how to budget . I would have never thought a dollar would be so valuable to me. Having a roommate has made me realize that I can be a selfish, bossy, germ phobic. College has also made me realize that I must encourage myself when I am faced with difficult task. At home there was always someone there to push me, but when I got to college I became my own motivation. College has showed me that I am the only one who chooses my path of success despite the path that others may take. I am glad I came to college because I believe that it is one of the few choices in life that I made that Is guaranteed to have a positive outcome.
I have gotten to know a great deal of people, that had I not moved out-of-state, I would not have been able to meet. The college experience has taught me the value of indepence and personal time management, but also making the most of even the smallest windows of opportunity. There are all kinds of ways to plug in at college, you just have to find that one place that you enjoy most.