While at Central Washington University I wish I had known more about the area and more about the clubs that they offer.
I wish I had known better than to let my past home life determine my outlook on school and life. If I was more focused on the future rather than the past, I feel like I would have stepped up to my full potential.
Before I came to this school I knew just about everything I needed to. I had friends already here and asked them everything, plus came here to visit them and talk to the administration personnel to get other questions answered. Even went to the Army ROTC program cadre before coming here to make sure it was a program I was comfortable with. I did my research and made sure I knew where I was going and what was available before officially coming here.
Before attending Central Washington University, it would have been nice to have better time management skills and the advice to not spread myself too thin. Time management is a quality that effects everyone, however, knowing how to prioritize and also schedule time for one's self is crucial. Prioritizing items of importance will help students focus on what matters and what doesn't. There are also numerous clubs at CWU that one can join. Joining clubs is a great way to get involved, however, there is only so much time that one can devote to each activitiy and school work.
I wish I had known more about the organizations on campus. I have become extremely involved in the Residence Hall Association now, and I wish I had my freshman year, as it may have helped me adjust better to the academic environment. I also wish I had taken the time to prepare myself for a college workload, I underestimated the motivation you need to succeed academically during my freshman year.
More about scholarships available.
I took a lot of Running Start classes (community college classes while attending and for HS credit). I wish I had known more about which classes would transfer into my major because I didn't take many and now, I find myself taking a lot of basic classes when I wish I could just get into my major.
There is nothing I wish I would have known. To any new student I would recommend attending new student orientation and getting to know your advisor(s). By doing this I was well prepare to start classes and I knew what to expect.
One thing that I wish I had known before I had come to school were some of the programs that are offered to students. There are a lot of diverse activities provided to all different types of students. As for myself, there are many events that center around education and will eventually help me to improve my teaching abilities through observation, volunteering, and extensive experience. If I would have known these programs were provided at this school, I would have signed up for them before even arriving for fall quarter.
Before I had come to college at Central, I wish I had known how easy it would be to live away from home and be independant. I was scared that I would be homesick all the time and not enjoy college. But I got used to being away at school very fast, and now I feel at home here. Another thing I wish I had known is that the classes are just a natural progression of high school classes. I was expecting the workload to be much higher and overwhelming, but it's just right.