Central Washington University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Central Washington University know before they start?


If i were given the opportunity to go back in time as a high school senior I would go about life completely different. It took me untill after my freshman year of college to mature and finally realize how important education is today. If I could talk to myself back then, I would tell myself to put education first. I would tell myself to limit distractions to set goals and achieve them. I would make it very clear without question that it will be more benificial to put in all of the work early is order to reap the benefits later on in life not only through school and baseball but financially at the same time. I would tell myself to develope saving habits and to practice consistency. I truly believe that if i were to know and understand the wisdom and knowledge that I have recently recieved over the past couple of years of my life, that I would without a doubt be very successful right now with more goals set to achieve.


If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high schoool senior the first thing I would say is to jump on the responsability wagon and get my priorties straight, because there is no one in college who is going to hold your hand and tell you what to do like mommy does at home. Second, I would tell myself to start sleeping eight or more hours on a regular bases that way when I get into my REM cycle I can download what I learned that day into my brain , sleep might be one of the more important tasks in getting good grades. Lastly, I would tell myself to chose my friends wisely because not everyone is out there for your best interest. For exmaple, you might have a test the next day but a friend invites you to a party that night, don't waste time socializing when you could easily be studying for that test tomorrow. In all I would basically give myself advice about the mistakes I have made in this first quarter transition so that I could better myself in the future.


There aren't to many things I would say to myself. The mistakes I made in high school define who I am today. But if I had the chance this is all I'd say. First would be to take math seriously. I didn't know back in high school just how much I would have to use it and how it has slowed my learning down to a crawl because I have to wait to finish a math class to get into a higher level accounting class. The next would be to not worry about those bullies to much. Because soon a growth spurt will happen and your going to be bigger than all of them. But don't stoop to their level either. Last but not least, I'd tell myself to spend time with my grandpa. You never really realize how little time you spend with someone untill they are gone.


I would work harder to maintain a higher GPA. I would also continue to do sports and stay in clubs through my senior year.


If I could go back to my senior year of high school, I would tell myself to get more involved in sports or do more than I did while at school. I would tell myself to be more careful with my money and save more of it for college. There are maybe a thousand things that I would like to tell my past self, but main thing is to be more outgoing and get out there more.


First piece of advice: Everyone is as nervous and scared as you are; and everyone is friendly and looking to make friends. Literally you can say hi to anyone you see and pick up a conversation and maybe a friend. The more friends you have, the better time you'll end up having overall. Second: Don't ever skip class. Ever. In high school you have plenty of days of just busy work, in college you have to be there every day and you learn something new every day. Plus, as a freshman, you live on campus and have three hours of class a day. Only three hours. Even when your sick you can get up and sleep the other twenty one hours. Plus it's only a five minute walk. There is no excuse to ever skip class. You're there to go to school, so go to school. Third: Surround yourself with happiness. If someone is a problem, just don't pay them attenion. It's not high school where your stuck with people. You have no reason to be unhappy in college. So just have fun and drop anything that is a negitive in life.


You have a purpose. And you have passions. These will come together and a common goal, and it's high time you realize that your choices now will have an impact on your future. So try harder. Go farther. Don't let anything hold you back. Because this is the time of your life, and the time to prepare for your life. School. Work. Relationships. All of these matter. Don't neglect any of these areas of your life. And don't neglect yourself. Take care of yourself. And take care of others. Because one day you may need to rely on your friends for help. And never, ever lose sight of your goal. God placed you here for a specific reason. Are you stewarding your time well? Are you stewarding your relationships well? Last of all, don't forget to reward yourself. If you work hard and do your best, then no one can ask anymore from you. So give yourself a break once in awhile. Stop and smell the roses.


The number one advice I would give my high school self about college is DO NOT BE LAZY. Work to find out when deadlines are for auditions so you don't end up without an opportunity to get into the musical theatre program. Also, Work hard to not spend all your money, because before you know it you can be in some serious debt. Just manage your expenses and don't be careless and lazy about things, and college will be easy. work on that senioritis, because it won't be accepted here in the big boy world. Also, chose your friends wisely.


If I were able to travel back in time to talk to my high school senior self I would say to not give up. I would tell myself to not just settle for community college, even though it was cheaper. I would tell myself to continue applying for colleges/universitys, even if it was a big reach. I would also tell myself to look up scholarpships for myself, and to take it seriously. I tell myself to take applying for colleges seriously and to stop being lazy about applying for colleges. To get the help I need to futher my knowlege about applying. I was a good kid in senior year, I would just tell myself to take things, the future, college, moving out, more seriously and to not be lazy; and to never give up.


Altough I am one to think that everything happens for a reason and wouldnt change things in my past because that is a part of life. However if I could go back for only school purposes, I would change or in other words fix my veiw apon things. College is something I couldn't really grasp the concept of. It's challeneging not only class room wise but so much more. I would go back and tell myself to not be afraid, to try things, to not be so shy and hidden away for now is when you find yourself. I would've told myself not to juge colleges by covers or hear-says. To go climb out of my box and visit other colleges, to not fear the "what ifs" but to challenge them. Life is a puzzel and no matter if you were to go back in time you will always make mistakes because we are only human. If when knew the end of a book, would it be so exciting? Why would I be willing to erase my pages just to skip to the end? For that I learned many lessons that I wish never to forget.