Be sure you have a nice grip on time management. Classes themselves may not be as long, but the homework assignments can be a huge time consumer. If you've depended on teachers in high school for every little thing, you better grow up because although college professors make themselves available to you, they will NOT walking you step-by-step and baby you. If you want to do well in school it will cost you some of your social life. If you still want more of a social life, enroll parttime, just be aware that means twice as long to finish (4 years vs. 8 years).
Try not to worry about college so much. You're going in not knowing what you want from life, but before your first semester ends, you'll have found two programs that you love so much that you can't decide between the two. Then, you'll just have to figure out what to do with that dual major. Give it time. It'll come to you. You'll have some amazing academic advisors to help you on your journey. They truly want you to succeed, and they will love to hear about your accomplishments. Try not to be afraid to tell them your career goals. Your advisors will help to point you in the right direction.
Making friends in college will be natural. You'll have made your core group of friends before your first week of school is over. They're good people stick with them. Nowhere else will you find a group of people that love MarioKart just as much as you do.
P.S. Don't let your high school chemistry teacher discourage you. You will have better chemistry teachers and receive much better grades than you ever imagined. It'll all be worth it.
Many people say that if they could go back in time, they would do things differently; that they would spend more time focused on school, on their grades, on getting into college. However, if I could go back and talk to myself as a senior to give myself advice, I would actually do the opposite of this. I would tell myself to let loose and have a little fun, so that way it's all out of my system by the time I get to college. College is supposed to be one of the best times of your life, but I also feel that it should be a focused time. I think that high school is your last bit of childhood before you are expected to enter into the real world, and I know that the stress of getting ready for college gets to many students. I, personally, wish that I would have enjoyed my senior year more instead of just rushing through it and getting so wrapped up in the pull of college. Stress is for later in life - I think that seniors should take the time to enjoy themselves and spend time with their family and friends.
I'd say "Anthony, what you need to focus on this year is money and academics. Don't play any sports and just work and work on scholarships because in college you will need them. Also make sure you get enough money out of a loan to live on campus. Don't screw around. This is the most important time of your life. Now GET TO WORK!!"
If I could go back in time, I would wish to go further back into highschool and give myself advice all through high school. I had a rough time of it in high school, but by senior year I had finally figured things out. My first three years though, I wish I could go back and encourage myself to work harder and get out of my slump. I wish I could go back and help myself get through the rough times and tell myself to never give up, even when things are tough. The only advice I would give myself enior year would be to start applying early so that I wouldn't have to stress about applications later.
If I was given the opportunity to address my high school senior-self with my current knowledge of college life, I would tell myself to always keep an open mind. The people and places are all diverse and should not all be treated with the same attitude. I would tell myself to always present myself in a professional manner, for one never knows the situation of the other people you communicate with. I would tell myself to get prepared for anything to happen, and to push through any obstacle to get to my destination. Finally, I would tell myself to never give up on my goal of becomming an educator. Keep your eyes on your dream, do what is necessary to succeed, and forget about petty worries. Be the best person you can be, and everything else will fall into place.
Don't be in such a rush to get out of high school and out of the house. If you spend your senior year wishing for the next August to come, you will lose out on so many things because your focus is on one thing and everything else is pushed to the side. Some of the novelty of college wears off after the first week or so, and you'll start wishing you hadn't wished away the last year of high school. So enjoy high school, friends, your parents now, because college will be there before you know it.
College is not easy to adjust to, it takes time. I believe the best advice I could give, is to prepare youself well. Obviously, nobody knows what to fully expect in college but I think it is important to prepare early. If will keep you on track and less scared for the changes that your new school may bring. Studying is something that you should definitely start to learn in high school because that is what you will be doing the majority of your time during college. Don't be too scared though, there is thousands of people that will be able to help you adjust to the college life.
If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would have a lot to say. I would tell myself that they are going to fine; college classes and college life are not awful as you are anticipating. Although is not fun all the time, you will love college. Not only will you get along with your roommates, they will become your closest friends. Stop underestimating yourself, you will be fine in all of your classes, just as you always were. You will even make the Dean's list. Also, don't be afraid to take risks, become more outgoing, and be more social. Don't be afraid to get outside of your comfort zone, you won't regret it.
I'd say to myself, "Self, sit down and breathe. Enjoy your life; it only goes by so fast because you're wasting your days worrying about acceptance letters and GPAs, which are panicking you to say the least. You're letting your senior year stress you out so much that it's clouding the excitement you should have for this very wonderful new beginning that you're heading towards. It's okay to go out to live and laugh - but please don't slack, it shows. You've had three years of high school already, and this last year should be no different except in the fact that your hard work should start paying off. College is going to make you feel so alive and sure of yourself. All you have to do is make sure that you have the motivation, put in the time and effort to get there, and you will. Ease up on yourself and your stress level. When you do get there, you'll love it more than anything you've ever experienced."