There are numerous activities provided by RSO's such as OTF and Program Board. These can vary from speakers to concerts. There are other activities involving Greek Life dealing from philanthropy's to partying.
People party here like they do at most any other University across the campus. Greek life is not as vast here as at other campuses, but the population is close and IS growing.
Dorm life is fun. Many activities to keep busy. Doors are left open most of the time. I met my closest friends in my dorm and at parties or some in classes. I party every weekend. I am not involved with Greek life. I did go out drinking but instead there is bowling or hanging out but there really is no much else to do.
Social greeks seem to be the most popular but most hated organizations on campus. I have joined a social greek sorority and I absolutely love it and would not trade it for the world. The athletic events such as football to me seem to be very important to attend because everyone likes to tailgate before the game. In some cases it may not be true.
To me I think the most popular groups on campus is the Greek life. Only because it's a huge number of people and it's a social organization so the people that are involved in the groups have a positive attitude about them since they choose to be in them. I'm very involved with my social sorority on campus, I was the VP of my new member class, the philanthropy chair and now the New Member educator, I have been very involved since my freshmen year. When I lived in the dorms I always left my door open but not many people on my floor did. The only athletic event I attend are the football games and even then I don't go to many. I met my closest friends through the social sorority that I'm in. If I'm awake on Tuesday at 2am I'm either leaving the bar, awake doing homework and watching tv. People party all of the time. I go out every Thursday, Friday and Saturday no question, and occasionally on Sunday and Tuesday. Last weekend I had Greek Week Mock Rock on Friday, was a model for the fashion show at CMU on Saturday and went out Saturday night. If I don't do something that involves drinking on a Saturday night I'm either home or DD-ing for my sorority. Off campus I volunetter.
popular groups are greek life, student government. How many doors are open in a hall would depend on where the location is. On north campus, where I live, students are really involved and are in the honors program. My closest friends are my room mate and the sisters of my sorority. If I were awake at 2 am on a Tuesday, I would either be studying or watching TV. Athletic events are popular. Some traditions are homecoming and some of the other holidays have certain events. Last weekend was Greek Week and formal. Off campus there is dining, bowling, skating, shopping.
I'm involved with the fraternity Sigma Alpha Epsilon; this is a fraternity comprised of campus leaders.
The most popular organizations are Leadership organizations and Greek social organizations. There are many professional groups and fraternities that are popular on campus as well. I have been in a sorority since my freshman year, and I have learned to be very involved in campus through this. We attend speaker sessions and I am personally bringing a speaker to campus in a few weeks on how to improve recruitment in groups. Last weekend was the end of Greek Week and my sorority's formal. I did not drink much, as I was so exhausted from the week before. On a Saturday night when I am not drinking, I like to watch movies, go out to dinner, or play board games with friends.
Students in my dorm always left their dorms open, but the majority of the students were enrolled in the Honors College. Football games are a must, especially tailgating. Central/Western weekend is huge (CMU vs. WMU football game). My closest friends are people from high school (not necessarily friends from high school) or people I met in my dorm my freshman year.
If I'm awake at 2am on a Tuesday it is probably because I just got home from O'Kellys, having enjoyed dollar pints all evening.