I would have liked to have had a better understanding of the academic catalog. I spent a lot of time in my junior year trying to figure out what I still had to take and realizing I had missed several requirements. I also realized I took a lot of unnecessary classes. I wish I had had a better advisor to sit down and talk me through the classes I should and should not take during my college career. Also, I wish I would have known about places like Half Price Books.
Cedarville University offers a wide variety of activities to get involved in. As a freshman I was overwhelmed with the numerous organizations, ministries or other activities I could participate in. I wish I would have spent some time talking with current Cedarville students about what activities would be beneficial to invest my time in. I have found some awesome things to get involved with, but with the help of current students I feel that I could be much more involved than I am currently.
I wish i had known what banks were in the town so I could have known which bank to join so that it would be easier to access my bank account.
I wish I had known that the dorm I was assigned to, Faith Hall, was so far away from the buildings where I have classes and the student center where the cafeteria is. The campus is small, so it takes about ten minutes to cross campus, but it is far to walk several times a day, especially in the bleak winter. I also wish that I had been told about the fact that roommates are chosen at random, unless a person specifically asks to room with a certain other person. That's what I wish had been shared with me.
It gets incredibly cold!
I wish I had known that the school had such a rigorous program. It has been very benefitial to learn new things at Cedarville, and they make a huge effort to help you find where you fit when it comes to majors.
I wish I had known that there was more to college than earning A?s, and I wish I had known that I could make choices to change what I did not like about myself. I passed up many opportunities to make friends and have fun because I did not have very good self-esteem. I hid in my room and studied for most of my four years of college. Of course, many students err the other way and party too much in college, but I would advise any new college student to strive for a happy medium.
I wish I had known how easy campus was to navigate. With roads on either side and a lake in the middle, you can't really get very lost before you find a landmark. The campus is a lot smaller than the map makes it look, and so I was way more nervous about finding my way around than I should have been.
I wish I would have been in the dorm I am currently in now during my freshman year.