Cedarville University Top Questions

What do you brag about most when you tell your friends about Cedarville University?


I talk about the variety of textbooks that I have in my classes. I also talk about the great environment for making and keeping friendships. I also brag about how much my professors are willing to spend time talking about life and future plans with us individually. I brag about my great tutoring job at the writing center and the ways that students love how we can help them. I brag about the large size of my dorm room and the variety of food available in the all-you-can-eat cafeteria.


All the activites that the campus has going on for the students to participate in.


I brag mostly about the people, the activities, and the sports facility center at the school.


I tell them about how many great academic programs there are, how you can make a lot of friends and how dedicated the school is to Christ. There are also lots of scholarship opportunities, great dorms and how the professors will try to help you as much as possible.


The people are awesome! We may live in the middle of a corn field but the people here make it worth it!


One of my favorite parts about my school is the people. Virtually all of the students are great people and the staff and faculty both love God so much.


Great food, great faculty, great people.


Cedarville. When I hear that name there are many things that come to mind: Brilliant professors who make sure they to give you accurate and appropriate information, Classes and their electives that work so hard for the better of the students, and Resident Assistants that care about each person and are willing to do anything for them. Overall, Cedarville is an inspiring college that cultivates and captivates their students in their faith and schoolwork.


Great campus with student body that cares for each other and people in general.


The fact that our school is faith based and how everyone just gets along with everyone else. There is no drinking on campus, but yet everyone still finds things to do that are just as fun and most of the time more fun than drinking.