Before you choose a college, you really need to decide what you want to get out of it. Do you want to be close to home, or on your own? Do you want a big party scene, or small classes? What other things are important to you? After you find a school that meets your criteria, you should really visit the campus and see how compfortable you feel. Sometimes, one school just feels right. College is really about preporation for the real world. Take work seriously, take time to relax. Get to know where you feel the most like yourself. Explore new things. Listen to your parents' advice. Take a chance. College can take you to a place you'd never expect to go; and you might just love it.
Make sure you know how you/your student learns best (small class sizes/large class sizes). Also take into consideration whether or not the "college experience" is right for you. There is a big difference between living at home and living in the dorms, and one should be ready for what life will be like.
Shadowing the school or taking a tour doesnt always give you the best idea of what a school is really going to be like for you once you actually get in there. I would recommend talking to the students as much as possible and see how much they really think theyre learning at their school.
In my opinion as a college student who has an elder brother at a huge college i would have to say you have to tailor your college selections to your childs personality. Make a wise decision on the size and type of school they attend to maximize the ability for your child to grow. I know from personal expeircine college students who are in the right enviroment flourish just as the seeds that are thrown into the fertile soil yet just as the seeds that get cast into the stoney and malnurished soil, college students who are set into a bad and restrictive college enviroment wither and get consumed by the negative aspects of life and bet bogged down. Thus i conclud for the growth and behavior of your son or daughter i highly recomend you searching for the school that fits your childs way of life and outlook on life to make the most intelligent and correct decision in their life. Remember this decision will make or break the success of your child for the rest of his life.
In order to find the right college I would suggest looking at many different colleges and visiting them and if possible staying the night to get the true "feeling" of the surroundings. I would not judge the campus by what it looks like on the outside, but rather what the college offers. Make sure they have a good advising center and financial aid office.
To make the most out of a college experience I would get involved in sports and other on campus activities. This will help you to meet a lot of people and stay active in the college community.
The first thing you should know about the college of your choice is the tuition, credits, classes, everything that is possible to know. When you finally decide the college of your choice, make the experience as memorable as possible. You only live once. Be as involved as possible, make new friends, go on trips with new friends, but also stay focused, go to class everyday and on time, and stay responsible. College isn't free nor cheap, so make it worth your while and your money!
Save for your child's education when or before their born, so that they can choose the right school.