I would say the most frustrating thing about my school is buying books at the start of the semester. It can be so hectic at the start of a semester, trying to find the books you need and want for classes.. I would suggest finding out as eary as possible , what books you need for what class and purchase them before the start of the semester.
The most frustrating thing about my school is trying to get an on campus job. Trying to get on is really hard and I am in need of a job. I only work once a week and it is back home. I have applied for a student assistant job and to my rec center twice. I have gotten nothing.
Not enough funding to have the best opportunities possiable. Also there is not enough campus spirit and support for the greek life which promotes community service throughout the community.
The most frustrating thing about this school is the drama that circulates around certain people. Now no one is perfect and they try to handle the situation as best as they can, but they let little things get the best of them, such as boyfriend/girlfriend drama. You're not in school for your boyfriend/girlfriend, you're in school to get an education. Of course this only becomes a problem when they drag other people that arent even in the problem into the drama. It effects others studying and can effect their grades in the long run.
Unlike other schools that i applied for, CSUSB is a commuter school with a stale campus life and a lack of school spirit. The leading sport at the school is girls volley ball fallowed by men's basket ball. I really wish that there was a foot ball team here to boost the school spirit.
The thing that is most frustrating at my school is the opportunity for success and achievement that is not being fully reached by many of the students. I am a returning student and more motivated than ever; I feel that the younger crowd of students don't care as much as they should, and the senior crowd is so ansty to graduate that they don't succeed at an above average level, they succeed to "pass."
The fact that I really do not know anybody in this town because I came from a smaller town. Also, I do not know my way around the city and it is very hard to find my way around. The school is in a remote location with plenty of grocery and retail stores along with numbers of food chains but to find malls and restaurants is very difficult. I have to use mapquest a lot or ask a roommate.
They need to offer more online courses.
The parking is horrible during the weekday between 8 am and 4 pm. If you don't get there early, then you have to park in the back or farther away. There is also a lot of traffic going into the school in the morning. The aisles are kind of narrow and confusing too. Most people leave between 1pm and 4 pm, so there is always a whole lot of traffic leaving the school and getting on the freeway.
As a transfer student, they should be involved before they transfer. I always felt I was at an advantage attending a junior college first. However, when I transfered many of the instructors said that as a junior you should already be involved in your field and know the faculty members.