California State University-San Bernardino Top Questions

Here's your chance: Say anything about California State University-San Bernardino!


For me personally, California State University of San Bernardino is ranked twenty-first among colleges that are military friendly. Having served in the Armed Services, that helps make the transition from community college to university life easier. I have had constant, consistent communication with the military liaison since the day I applied to the university. That undivided attention, in my opinion, is equivalent to a "thank you for your service" and shows that the administration truly cares about the veterans that seek education at their institution. Their dedication to veterans helped me make my decision to attend CSUSB.


The environment on campus is one of acceptance and diversity. Also, the faculty and staff are more than willing to help students whenever possible. Professors are enthusiastic about their profession and it is visible in the classroom. The amount of opportunities to get involve in organizations on campus is great. As a transfer student, I only had two years on campus and within that time I joined 4 academic societies and a research team organized by a professor in my major.


CSUSB is unique in its beauty as well as its atmosphere.


It's safe and they provide good classes that can help you get your degree or become well-rounded as a student.


It offeres classes for your major as a undergraduate instead of waiting two years.


The university is a preeminent center of intellectual and cultural activity in Inland Southern California, improving the region's quality of life through the skills, knowledge, experience and engagement of it's students and facuality.


My school is unique in the sense that there is more of a focus and an awarness on Native American culture. The institution does not only focus on the past histories of the Native Americans, but also instructs on a variety of literary exposure ranging from past to modern times.


Everytime you step outside you go outside you can see the mountains up close. The view is nice everyday, rain or shine.


People are always willing to help when you ask for help. Professors make so that you can talk to them


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