Receiving two associates degrees prior to transferring to a university, I now realize pursuing my degrees is not only a process of developing skills and knowledge but developing the character I aspire to be. I was filled with uncertainty while choosing a major to devote myself, but after taking the next leap towards my education I know my feelings of reluctance were normal. Perseverance of pushing through uncertainty helped me build strength and a sense of accomplishment. I wish I would have known that apprehension of a new life and new campus is only the threshold of a fresh opportunity.
The traffic in this city is not good!
That it offers less class in my major.
I had wish that i had kown more about finding and applying for scholoarships. My last semester I just took out a loan that barely covered my tuition fees. The last semseter I had to struggle financailly along with my classes. So my advice is apply for scholarships early and often. There is some work into finding scholarships but if you can't do this little work then how can you expect to excel in your career when you gradaute. It is much better to graduate debt free than debt ridden.
I wish I had known more about the free and discounted student services. I recently learned about many things that the school provides us. Some examples are: a free message every semester; free visits to our health center; discounts at many stores and restaurants and many more. As a college student I have to budget my money more than I ever have in my life and every penny saved helps out.
I wish I had known the campus a bit better. I visited the school a few times before attending but I did not know it by heart and I got lost on the first day. But I was able to learn quickly where everything is and there was students willing to help along the way.
I wish I had known more about campus life, such as how to sign up for clubs and how to network myself. I also wish I had known not to stress out over every little thing, because stress just makes everything harder. I wish I had known that it is easier to plan your days so that all your classes are close together rather than all over the place during the day.
I wish I had known the size of the school in population. Also how steep the price of textbooks and parking would be. Also how they try to screw you on paying your tuition. One little piece of advice is to take care of your holds immediately if you are going to attend Sac State.
Before coming to my school I wish i had known the extent to how college would differ from school. Knowing the amount of reading I would have to do or the hours I would be spending studying would have helped me significantly. My study habbits in highschool did not work in college. I had to begin studying at least 2 or 3 weeks in advance for mid terms and finals. Unfortunately, I had to learn that through trial and error. Had I known how much exams weigh into our grade I would have prepared self alot better.
I wish I had known that the school had such strong student organizations that are very active. There is always something to do. Also I wish I had known that the school was so big becasue I would have gotten a bike.