Make sure that you visit the college ahead of time, but not during the summer, or on a break when the college students will not be there. Talk to students who are not part of the orientation staff. Drive around the surrounding areas to make sure it is a place you want to live.
Make sure you like the area. Colleges pretty much offer the same thing so you have to like where your going. Take it from me, I first went to a college that was a good Business school but I ended up not being in Business and I transfered to somewhere I love. Im happy and studying something I truely enjoy!
I would want students to make sure they investigate the schools they are applying for and make sure that the academic programs are sufficent. It would also be wise to check out the social calender and make sure that the campus isn't party oriented because it could cause problems from younger students and those who wish to have a completely academic college experience.
I feel that it is best for parents and students to understand and accept each others' desired and anticipated goals as a result of the student attaining a college education. With communication and a common understanding of expectations, the process of finding a right college is less burdensome and stressful. Both parents and students should consider the lifestyle and preferrence of the student as for him/her to feel comfortable in the campus environment. It may be beneficial for one to attend a college that has a very different culture by opening his/her mind to new things, but for another it may be difficult, intimidating or distracting. The student's ability to cope with the campus dynamics affects the capacity of learning and the potential of the student. It is also important to settle future financial plans and ensure that the student's education is well-funded.
Go into your University chooses with the right expectations. CSUS is a commuter school, and I knew this when applying for this College. Many students transferred to CSUS with the wrong perception and were often disappointed. Know which programs your college excels at, and if it's not what you want, don't go for it!
Visit the campus and go to the college that has the main thing the student is looking for. Make sure to keep your options open and talk to academic advising prior to making any ultimate decisions so that you can be completly confident in your decision. Also, familiarize yourself with the additional benifits the school offers (health services, psychological counseling, clubs, fitness groups, etc.) if you are payeing for them you might as well know what they are!
I have been in college much longer than four years and have attended several different junior colleges,state colleges and even studied abroad for one semester. I feel this experience gives me a little more insight on what makes a college be the best college for each person. For me, college is, of course about learning, but your education is never your enitre life. You need to be near people you care about and that care about you. Having genuine friendships and fufulling relationship outside campus makes the entire school process much more enjoyable. You don't have to go to a school where your best friends from high school are going, but once you get to your college, meet people. Get involved. Become more than just a student. College is what you make of it so make it great!
Before attending to any university or college, think ahead about your major. It will save you a whole lot of time. 95{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} of the incoming college students go into college not knowing why they?re there. From my experiences, an undecided major can cause you a lot of consequences. You will be ending up taking classes that are completely useless and staying behind in college. Changing majors often is not a fun thing to do. So seriously, think for yourselves and think ahead. As for the college experience, try to have fun while you?re at it. Time goes by faster when you are actually enjoying the process rather suffering it.
College is one of the most memorable experiences in an individuals life; chose according to your expectations for your future and individual needs. To get the most out of your college experience remember to get involved as much as possible. Even if you are not familiar with a certain club or organization, ask questions and do not be afraid of new experiences. The individuals you meet and your involvement in activities will benefit you in your future endevours.
I think that from my experience of selecting a college starts off with a plan. Sacramento State was not my first choice, at first i wanted to attend CSU Chico, but because i did not effectivly plan to move to the city of chico and figure out where i would live, i did not end up going. I say that the very best thing that you can do is save money, and be flexible to changes that may happen to your original plan. College is the first time in my life where i felt as if i was really living in the real world, and it is important to not dwell on things that you cannot change. Roommates move, people change, but it is important to be able to adapt to the changes that college, and also life puts in front of you.