Take AP classes and college credit because a little bit goes a long way and the sooner you graduate the more money you'll save in tuition and fees. Get a job if you can because you may find yourself with some free time and the extra money will come in handy because books are VERY expensive and tuition will keep on rising year after year. Apply for financial aid and grants early and often because you'll need the money and even if it's for $50 try to get it. Don't be afraid to make friends because everyone else is also trying to get used to the change and they're just as eager as you are to settle in. Focus on your schoolwork because you will want to get the highest GPA possible and every class will count. Focus on your studies and try to get your classes finished as soon as possible by trying to take more than 12 units a semester and by focusing on classes you need for your major. Enjoy your college life to the fullest.
If I could go back in time as a high school senior and talk to myself, I would advice myself to apply for universities that offers an Occupational Therapy program and continuously apply for scholarships. I would advice myself to apply for universities that offers an Occupational Therapy program because I would be able to graduate with my Masters’ sooner. Because I am enrolled in a university that does not offer this program, I will be taking longer to graduate. I would like to save one year from attending college for tuition is very expensive. This leads me to my second wish. If I could go back, I would tell myself to continuously apply for scholarships. With that advice, I wouldn’t have to see my parents work so much to help me pay for school. It is hard for me to see them exhausted from working over time and hard labor. Furthermore, my job is not enough to help me for my expenses for school. If I had the opportunity to go back in time and give myself an advice, I would take that chance in a heartbeat.
Education is so much more that what grade point average you have. The knowledge that you have acquired is meant to be a gift that is shared with your friends, family, and community. Take the time to give back by volunteering to help other youths and get involved. Your senior year is not the end but a true beginning to all the wonderful things that are in store for you. Life is not just about work. Have fun and find your passion in life through a variety of engagements in the community. It is important to be actively involved so as to find not only what you are good at but what it is that you can give back to your community. Explore life to its fullest and make the most of the education that has been given to you. You are a good person with a big heart and you have so much to share. You can go to college and you have educational options that will give you even more opportunities to have a successful, happy, and truly fulfilling life!
If I were to go back in time to my high school years I would tell my self alot of things. for example, that college isnt the same as high school. College is hard if you are not ready for it, you really have to stay on point with everything. You must have be organized and keep everything with you. All the things our high school teacher said about rewriting our notes its true, i understand the material better and remember it with clearness. We all always used the excuse that the teacher did not like us, but in college none of this is accepted. The teachers just go and do their jobs and its up to the students if they want to do the work. if i want to reach my goals and be someone succesfull i have to do the right things. i have to do all of the work, saty in on the weekends to work on pappers. sacrifice some time with the friends to study, but the best thing of all is that its all going to be worth it when we are done.
I would tell myself to start paying attention in class because in the future the cost for going to college is going to increase. So, it is very important for you to have a high GPA therefore you can get scholarships to pay for your college education. You know that your family can't afford to put you through school. Hence, your education will rely on how many scholarships you are awarded. I know you want to chase girls and get into trouble but ill tell you right now that your not missing out on anything. You will be truly missing out by not finishing your education at Sacramento State. So, Daniel make sure you study hard and try your best to get good grades and remember "A mind is a terrible thing to waste". Godspeed
If I was given the opportunity to go back in time I would tell myself to follow my heart and intuition. I would advise myself to choose a focus or career path that not only challenges me but that fulfills me. I spent a lot of time going back and forth on majors before eventually settling on my first choice and love. I would tell myself to try my best and to take the time to learn. Many students do well in classes without taking the time to learn the lessons we are being taught. I would tell myself to pay close attention and to develop professional relationships with my professors so that I could ask them for advice regarding school and career choices. Finally, I would tell myself to enjoy school rather than trying to get through it, it goes by much faster than you think it will and when you're done, a part of you is relieved and the other part wants to do it all over.
If I could go back in time and talk to my high school self, I would let myself know that no matter what obstacles and challenges I come face to face with, I will have to persevere and believe I will get through it. I will motivate my high school self to do well in my senior year by reminding “me” that what I learn and accomplish now will carry me through college and my future career. I will reassure myself that it is possible to balance classes, social life, and work as long as I learn to manage my time wisely and prioritize tasks effectively. I will encourage myself to work hard, stay optimistic and keep following my dream to become a teacher for young children because in my heart I know this is the right path for me. This is my passion.
My advice would be to study hard play less, enhance GPA, and community work. GPA is extremely important to succeed and to obtain better opportunities not only job opportunities, but recognitions too. Employers look at GPA very closely when selecting candidates either for permanent hires or internships; therefore, maintaining a GPA above 3.0 is a crucial factor to succeed in school and for career opportunities. In addition, focusing on studying hard will not only maintain GPA high but will prepare the student to complete assignments/projects and be able to answer questions. Lastly, community work is really important to show that student cares for his/her community and is willing to return what was given at some point in life.
If I could go back and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would have many words of advice. I would tell myself to focus on the present and not worry about the future. Focus on getting each assignment done and then stop stressing out about it. This is something I didn't know back then which would have really helped me be stress-free. I was always worried about the future, but where I am happy with where I am now and I would love to tell that to myself as a senior. Another tip would be to prioritize school instead of slacking off to hang out with friends.
Stay focused. Determination is very important at this point. High school paves your way for your future in life.