A person who is determined to learn should attend Sacramento State. Someone who is open minded to the different diversity we have here at school. Someone who never gives up.
Sacramento State seems to be a commuter school but with that said, I have been very happy with the quality of education I have received while living so close to home. I think this school would be great for anyone who does not want to completely leave their friends and family for college or students who still live at home while attending a four-year.
This school is good for a person who doesn't expect to much of a campus life. It's a commuter school, so most people live off campus.
any kind of person should attend this school. The people here are absolutely incredibly nice and friendly. There also over 200 clubs here so there probably are many individuals with the same interest as you.
i think that this university needs more smart students. Students here in sacramento state do not take school seriously and therefore they do not do good at school. I think I am a perfect example of what I am talkin about. I dont blame the environment but i think that is why i changed my study habits and got a bad GPA. I am trying to change that by not socialing with those kind of people.
Students who value education and who are career oriented. The students would benefit from school and enjoy their experience more if they are involved in social events, clubs, or sports. The students at the school are willing to reach out and help each other so forming study groups or joining clubs is easy and fun.
A person dedicated to learning that knows what she/he wants in life and who is in search of a higher education provided by true professionals.
Anyone and everyone. All students would enjoy and fit in if they put in effort. The school has the best of all worlds.
I do not think there should be a specific kind of person to attend this school. I think that as long as a student tries his or her best to engage in activities provided by the campus that are prevalent to their interests, then he or she will get the most out of their college experience. In other words, any kind of person can attend this school.
A person that appreciates diversity and is able to adapt in a vibrant and learning environment.