College is extremelly important. There's no harm in taking some time off from high school and discovering who you really are. There are a lot of pressures in college about choosing that perfect major immediately. Go to college when you're ready, not when others believe you are. It's okay to wait!
Although you changed your major monterey was a good fit. GO THERE.
In regard to finding the right college, students and their parents need to learn as much as possible about the colleges they are considering. Campus visits are a must! While visting, I would reccomend meeting with future undergrad advisors, residential life coordinators, and the financial aid department. The students should feel comfortable with the feeling of the campus and surrounding area. Each person has thier own expectations and standards, but the academic department for one's major should be the most important thing to look into. The professors and classes are the key part of the students' studies.
While attending one's college of choice, the student needs to actively pursue opportunities. The financial aid department has money and scholarships for those that ask and the undergraduate research center has internships and funding for the students that are interested and ask. Also, make friends throughout your campus experiences because they will come in handy when you need it. Most importantly, have fun! But also remember that you only have one first impression with everyone you meet and that you can only take each test and do each assignment once. Don't think of repeating a class as an option.
I wouldn't underestimate the enviroment around the school. While the campus and its services may be outstanding, if the school is located in a community that your going to have a hard time fitting into, utalizing and connecting with, developing an identity and coping skills that are independant of other students and the school is going to be difficult.
I think that the best way to find out if a school is right for you is to visit them and to talk to real students and take the campus tours. You will never know if you fit in until you get there so take andy opportunity you can to visit the schools that you apply to. And apply to as many schools as possible don't be afraid of rejection. And good Luck!!!!
Take the time out to spend a couple days or even a weekend at the college campuses that you are considering. Really take time to know you rresources and what is available to you on that campus and when. Also, take time to know that area around your campus to help eliminate confusion whenever traveling off campus. Most of all, take time to talk to current students that attend that school to really get a feel for the environment and scene that takes place at tha certain university.
I think one of the most important things to do to find a good college is to see the campus. Take a tour on a weekday to get a good idea of what the campus is like in action. Ask students questions. Tour the department you are interested in and ask students with the same or similar majors about their experience at the school. Ask questions like: What are the teachers like here? How's the food? Is it easy to register for classes and get counseling?
Visit the schools before making a final decision. Simply sampling the atmosphere can help make a choice much clearer.
The advice I would give is that you have to consider all the different variables that any school offers. You can't just focus on one aspect, plus you should always visit the campus to know if you would like the area. The school may not be exactly what you imagined it would be that's true for any school and you might have to make the choice if you want to stay or go somewhere else. I believe that it is always worth it to stick it out. You choose to come here and unless you trully hate it then you shouldn't leave, give it at least a year.
Try to picture what you want to be doing in college - what will be most important to you, what type of friends do you want etc. Then find a school where you think all that will be available to you. Never underestimate your instincts and talk to as many people as you can on each campus.