When you are choosing a college, visit all the choices and see which campus you like best. Also make sure that the school offers your intended major. to make the most of your college experience, you should get involved in clubs and organizations that interest you. Forming study groups is also a great way to get to know people in your classes. Be involved with your school as much as possible and don't pass up an opportunity because it is not something you would have done in high school.
Do the best you can to visit every college/university before you make a decision. Feeling the campus "vibe" (academic programs aside) can really make the difference between every other campus and your campus.
When you get there, make sure to get involved. On-campus job, club, organization, whatever, just get involved.
You will never really know if there is a school out there that is perfect for you. But you have to realize that if you did find the perfect school you would still have to give a substantial amount of effort to take advantage of all of the oppurtunities that it provides to you. In other words, it's not up to the school as much as it is up to the student. No matter where you land in your academic journey, it is up to you to maximize all possibilities of success that your institution of choice has to offer. Every school has it's benefits; just make sure that you feel that you can prosper in your academic environment where ever you go.
I would encourage students to visit the school they are thinking of attending. Tour the dorms and maybe even talk to students... they'll be friendly, I promise! There will be a school that just feels "right." When you realize that you can envision yourself attending a particular school, you've found a good one!
Parent's and student's should first evaluate their need's in that particular college , such as the amount of student's and services it has to offer and also in terms of what they academically seek, major's, bachelors etc. After the process, making most of the college experience should be focused on networking while at the same time, recieving the academic help they need. Networking will help because it is sometimes the "People you know" rather than "What you know" that can get you a successful career. It is also another way to meet and socialize, meeting different people and getting know different culture at the same time. Aside from this, networking can help in studies because most of the people you will meet may have already taken the class, thus they can provide important advices for the future. Other than that, making most of college experience will solely depend on how much you take advantage of the college's resources, clubs, events, and student's.
Depending on what the parents and/or students want out of their college experience is up to them. This includes housing, academic programs, location, tuition fees, and etc... However, there are some things to look into before deciding upon a college. The advice I would give to parents and/or students about finding which college is right for them is to actually visit the campus itself. Taking a tour around campus is definitely beneficial for the student and will expose them to campus life and to ther services/resources that are available. Get a chance to talk to current students attending the campus to get a different aspect of the college other than the staff and workers. There are many things one can do to make the right decision about college by looking into books and resources on how to decide which college is best for the student.
Get involved! Students that are connected to campus activities & clubs do better in school. Research shows students who are connected to school do better in their education. Being connected to school also creates networking through the campus, community, and job force.
Choose based on location, tuition, and major
Find a school that they feel that they are at home.
I think best thing to look for in a college are the basic things like academics, social, and cost because these things determine not only what a student will get out of the college, career wise, and also what they will be in the future socially. I also think that a student should not be scared of trying new things because it will expand their experience and view of the world.