California State University-Long Beach Top Questions

What do you consider the worst thing about California State University-Long Beach? Why?


I dont consider anything about my school bad.


Needs a inter-campus transportation system because the campus is quite wide.


The worst thing about the school is that theres no parking close enough to the classroom buildings, you have to walk about 10 minutes to get from parking to class. After 6pm youre allowed to park in teachers parking lot which is almost inside your classroom :)


Because my school is a state school, we are constantly getting budget cuts, which result in furlough days, less school supplies, and increases in tuition each year.


In the classroom most classes are by the book only, it is no other input from the economy or what is going around us involved in our daily teachings. If anything its need to bring elements everyone can relate to on the same level.


It is really spacious and really big and people may be lazy to walk around. CSULB is the second biggest Cal State in California and people really have a hard time managing time while getting to their classes. To add, CSULB has a maze of classes where many students can easily get lost. I remember walking their my first time, not only did I get tired but i was really confused upon where my classes where. Those two problems are the only two i have come upon so far.


Commonly found at California State University Long Beach, is a collection of students who are superfically focused. It is uncommon to find students who have genuine care and concern for their fellow students. Students are more focused on their physical well-being and educational status than helping their fellow students. This problem causes a lack of genuine friendships and positive community to be made on Long Beach States's campus. This unfortunate reoccurence , takes Long Beach State's students multiple semesters, if ever, to find a community or friendship base.


The worst thing about my school is that it is a "commuter school". Most people attend class, maybe hang out for a while and go home. For this reason it is really difficult to meet new people and create new lasting friendships. I commute to the school myself although I would prefer to dorm. I want to be completely immersed in the college experience and I'm sure I'm not the only one. If our school wasn't a commuter school, we would have even MORE school spirit and we would know so many more people.


It's hard to say what the worst thing about my school is because there are so many flaws to choose from. The one detrimental quality about CSULB that seems to affect everyone is the fact that meeting people is extremely hard to do. With the ever expanding budget cuts, the university 100 courses were all cut. These classes were supposed to teach freshmen about the school and to help social interaction. Now nearly all lower division classes are huge and don't support meeting new people. Life without friends isn't fun.


The worst thing about my school is the lack of money. Students are paying more for tuition and getting less class time. Teachers are required to take atleast 6 days out of the semester off with no pay, thus students are getting reduced class time. In addition there are fewer classes given.