The school is very small, so you come in contact with the same people alot of the time.
There was not anything frustrating
Since it is a private school it is very exspensive and paying for school is difficult.
The most frustrating thing about school is the food service.
The most frustrating thing about my school is the meal plan. I am not a fan of the food on campus, but I mean other than that there's nothing that is too frustrating.
The most frustrating thing about California Lutheran University is getting the right meal plan. At this school it can be difficulty to have your meal plan changed due to school regulations. Students need to go through a petition process with doctor notes and phone calls. It's better to be on "Munch Money" at this school rather than a meal plan.
There is nothing frustrating about my school.
No matter what time of day it is, you'll see some activity that the school is doing that is clearly a waste of money. The gardeners really don't have to trim the bushes everyday and security can easily walk around campus; it's small enough so Segways are unnecessary. It's frustrating when the tuition is so high to attend this school and instead of lowering the cost, they spend it on pointless work. Yes, it makes the campus look lovely but I don't think it's necessary to mow the lawn and renovate so often.
Dorming is a bit frustrating. The way you chose your rooms is not a good process which they chose and when you have higher credits than certain people its frustrating to get a dorming complex that is not as good as others. Food is also kind of frustrating because your meal plans work in meals not just money so you can not use three "meals" within two hours or a certain time period.
California Lutheran University is a GREAT school! I am very happy. My frustration was very minute. I was frustrated because the school did not state that there were two separate admission departments determined by the field of interest. I submitted my application to one admission office within the school but was told it should have been sent to the other. The school was very accommodating and sent the application to the other office for me. The admission process went smooth from there and the guidance counselors were very nice and easily accessible. I learned communication and patience are very important.