California Lutheran University Top Questions

What do you consider the worst thing about California Lutheran University? Why?


At California Lutheran University most students cannot find a bad thing to say about the school. The school follows good morals, is very diverse and fosters a welcoming environment for all. However, the one thing that most students do not like about the school is the catering company that is contracted - Sodexo. Sodexo, with help from the school and voiced opinions from the staff and students is now striving to improve with comment boxes and a constantly changing menu. With such resources the food quality is becoming better and students, such as myself are now satisfied with the food.


The worst thing about my school is that because of it's small size, everyone seems to know everyone. It would be nice to branch out and meet people that weren't somehow tied in to my close circle of friends.


i think that parking has been an increasing issue because my school has been increasing the number of incoming freshman every year as well as there has been an increase in commuter students. This is an issue because often I find myself trying to find parking for forty-five minutes, consequently, making me late to my classes.


I don't dislike one thing about this school. It is my home away from home.




I think once again the worst things is also the exspence of the school it is very hard to come up with the funds to pay for school each semester.


The worst thig about my school is the lack of serorities and fraternities. When I see my friends pictures, it makes me envious and wish that we had those things here at CLU.


Expensive, as I depend on a financial aid from Norway (where I am originally from) to pay for school, living, and food.


The housing for freshmen and sophomres is old. The housing for juniors and seniors is newer and roomier.


The worst thing about California Lutheran University is the lack of focus on the quality of food served to the students. The style of food served is out dated and does not reflect the readily available produce options present in California. There needs to be a greater focus on fresh and locally grown foods and an emphasis on the importance of healthy eating by providing lighter options for students.