California Institute of the Arts Top Questions

What's the one thing you wish someone had told you about freshman year?


That the school still has a lot of work to do to catch up in the century


I wish I could have more time to prepare my artworks such as sketching and learning some digital software before coming to CalArts. There are lots of students whose works are much better and full of creativity than mine.


Drawing more. I am in the animation department, but I was playing during the summer. I wish I could drew more in my sketch book and buil up my bacic drawing skills more.


I wish I would have known more about my career choice. It is rather vague, sometimes seemingly friendly & open yet often times appearing to be highly competetive with undefined standards for success. Costs of failure are also rather high.


i wish i would have known that i should move out of my parents house.


I really wish I had known how self motivated one had to be to get things done outside of the normal curriculum. for example, I like to write my own music and while the opportunity is available to perform it. simply telling my mentor and other instructors of mine did not help. It wasn't until I organized an event by myself that I was able to really perform it. I didn't realized that I would be doing it alone until the end of my second year.