California Baptist University Top Questions

What's the most frustrating thing about California Baptist University?


To be honest, the most frustrating thing abot CBU is the price. With me and my twin brother going to college it is hard to pay for college.


The only thing I find frustrating about California Baptist University is the cost of tuition. It is hard to afford.


the most frustrating thing about this school is the cost it is to go here. :(


I would have to say ... nothing.


The most frustrating thing about CBU would be the how crowded the cafeteria can get or the price of books at the book store.


I think that our campus mows the lawn too much. And we need a parking structure.


It's extremely expensive. I worry sometimes about being able to pay it all off, that's why i apply for so many scholarships. I hope that I can receive enough to help me pay for my schooling.


The most frustrating part of the school would be the amount of close minded students that are involved with so many school functions. Seeing that it is a christian school makes this seem rather predictable, but in some courses the bible doesn't need to be thrown into conversation by not teachers, but students. It can lead to a disrupted learning experience in the sense that not the entire world will believe in what you do.




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