Bunker Hill Community College Top Questions

What's the one thing you wish someone had told you about freshman year?


When I was in high school, many students spoke badly about community colleges so when I messed up in my senior year and graduated with a low GPA, I ended up there. In the begnning of the school year, I was a bit arrogrant and felt like transferring as soon as possible. However, once I got to know the professors and saw their passion for teaching , it changed my view on things. Also the diveristy at BHCC , brings more awareness of other cultures. Colleges don't make the students, it's how students use their education that makes a difference.


Prior to coming to this school I wish I had known how great online classes are. I was intimidated by them when I first returned to school but when I finally did take the plunge and signed up for one the result was fantastic. The flexiblity it allows is fantastic, they are a huge part of the reason I was so succesful upon my return to higher ed.


That weekend classes filled so rapidly but I guess that would probly go across the board for colleges offering weekend classes.