Brigham Young University-Provo Top Questions

What's the one thing you wish someone had told you about freshman year?


I wish that i had a better understanding of financial aid opportunities and how to apply for them.


I felt very prepared before I came to my college. The only thing that I wish I had known before I arrived was how to study better and how to motivate myself to do work early without procrastination. I have learned a lot by taking on greater amounts of responsibility, which is typical when moving out of the house. I feel that I was prepared and do not have regrets about not asking parents or others more about coming to college.


I wish I had known how much I would enjoy college. When I first began college at BYU I wasn't very excited about attending. However, as time has passed, I have a new love for learning and working with new people on a daily basis. I wish someone had been able to show me how much I would enjoy college at this university.


Read the textbook. Go to class.


BYU is it's own world where your personal life and acedemic life are smashed into one because of 3 things: 1) you go to church with the same people you go to school with, 2) you are very limited to when and where you can spend time with the other sex-according to the Honor Code, 3) off campus housing is stricktly limited to a 2-mile radius; which all leads to pressure and great insentive for quick marriages and great spiritual judgement by peers and mentors.


The only thing I wish i would have known was how cold it is in the winter. I lgrew up in California and I am not used to the snowy cold winters.


I would have liked to get more involved in extra-curricular activities earlier on.


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Before coming to this school, I wish I had known how competitive the extracurricular programs and activities would be. I was aware of the high competitiveness of the academic programs, but I didn't know that the clubs and intramural programs would be so competitive. There are so many options for participating in activities outside of school classes, however tryouts are rigorous and only the best are considered. Because of this, the only way to try out activites is by taking a class for it, which in turn uses up credits. This costs money and makes learning new talents difficult.


It's important to know about the Ad/Drop card. If you can't get into a class because it's full, just take an Ad/Drop card to that class the first day, and odds are you'll get into the class!