Bradley University Top Questions

What is the stereotype of students at Bradley University?


Some stereotypes about Bradley students are that they are all rich and stuck up because Bradley is a small private school.


That because it's really easy to get into Bradley and because of that, we're all stupid.


there is nothing to do here


Lots of rich, stuck up, vain, and sheltered people.


They are stereotyped as rich and spoiled suburban white kids, especially by the locals.


Down to earth, Frat boys and Sorority Girls, overall very nice


Everyone that attends Bradley is of the upper middle class and has lots of money. People believe that all students are from Illinois and are engineers. Almost all outsiders of the greek community believe fraternity and sorority members are just dumb alcoholics that don't study and just party all the time


It's kind of a party school disguised as an academics school. Most students are middle class and upper middle class. Large greek community, and theres a lot of cliques. A lot of students are very apathetic towards what's going on around them.


Everyone "goes greek", frats and drinking, sorority sterotypes about the types of girls in each house


snobs, all soriorities and frats. stuck up