Boise State University Top Questions

What's the one thing you wish someone had told you about freshman year?


watch out for the math program!!!


I didnt have many expectations so this is a hard question to answer. It can be quite cold in the winter and hot in the summer. Idaho gets all four seasons!!!


i wish i had known what classes they are changing for the requirements for the major and it is hard to keep track of the classes that they are changing for the majors


I grew up in the area and was pretty active in the college growing up. I knew what the school was about, and I was pretty informed going into the school.


Take orientation as early as possible so that you can register for classes. Otherwise, you will register after everyone else and not get into the classes you want.


To address the professors formally, (i.e. Dr.) Most of my instructors have been very snooty, and I made the mistake of calling them by their first names. They treated me like I just insulted their mother. Some of them still treat me that way.


That there are scholarship options that I wish I had known about or that the opportunity to do other things aren't widely publicized


BSU does not offer classes to help your prepare for the real world. For example if you want to get into a radiology program and there is an interview process the school should offer a coarse Radiologic Technologist as a profession. This school doesn't prepare you even for an interview. You take prerequisite but you can't get into their program really upsets me. Also this school didn't help me get scholarships and I am really poor so I never had time to study because I had to work to pay my bills.


I wish I would have know how impersonal classes can be and that the teacher may never know who you are. Also, that making friends in classes benefits me inside and outside of the classroom. Friends help keep me informed about what I missed in class and I can always call them if I am confused about assignments or when something is due. And of course outside the classroom I gain a friend for life!


That the campus community is largely a commuter school, with a limited campus life.