Get involved. No amount of talent or studying will make your college experience as satisfying and fun as being linked to the university and the others who attend it. Being apart of the activities around campus gets you connected in a way that is more meaningful than just going to class each morning. Making friends and meeting new people in this manner lets you find people who you likely would never talk to otherwise, and it gives you one more tool to be able to deal with tough times with class or just life in general (and believe me, some times will be tough). But most of all, the more involved in the school you are, the more control over its future direction you have. Nothing is quite as empowering as knowing that you have a part in your schools destiny, and by extension your own.
go to that college and take a ture during the semester for the day.
Look at your pocket book. Which school best fulfills your financial needs? College is meant to launch you forward in life not hold you back by debt. Second discover out of the school you've selected which one/s will help you obtain your degree. What?s the point of going to school if your not getting a desired education out of it? Lastly make your final decission based on the campus atmosphere. What school will make you feel them most comfortable (at home). I know I do much better in academics if I'm happy in my personal life and fill at peace in my surroundings. It's you life make the most of it!
Take it seriously to all those freshman coming in. It's not high school anymore; you come here and do nothing but come to class, and you will fail. You need to apply yourself, focus and pay attention in class. I know my first year coming in here, I used the same techniques in high school. I learned real quick to change my old habits.
The best way to begin college and have a true ?college experience? is to have purpose. Without purpose, college can be a big waste of time and money. Purpose gives rise to motivation, which in turn will give rise to success.
College gives you the opportunity to have a successful career and life. Whenever you are thinking about college, don't be close minded about what school you will attend. Go and visit campuses and make a list of pros and cons that you can see at that college. Parents, remember that your kids don't have to graduate from the same college that you did. Encourage your children to look at many different options, and prepare them by putting an emphasis on academics and a strong work ethic. While enrolled in a school, be involved in your work and campus activities. Students need to place academics before recreation, but it is important to have a mix of the two. Get rid of any stereotypes you've imagined about colleges and their students, because almost all of those stereotypes are wrong. Parents check up on your college students, but don't harass them about school and grades. Remember, your college students are becoming adults and leaving adolescence behind. Recognize their independence and encourage them whenever you can. College can be very rewarding, but also demands hard work in return.
I have found that it is important to stay busy during college. That sounds crazy but if you have too much time on your hands, you are more likely to procrastinate because, "I can just do it later". When you only have a designated time to get something done, you get it done because that may be the only chance you have. You learn discipline and time management. Staying busy may mean working while in school-even if it's part-time or maybe just volunteering on the weekends. But don't over extend yourself, you'll get burnt out and it will be hard to enjoy school. Discipline and time management is very crucial for a college student since there is a lot of reading and studying to be done. Get involved with on-campus activities and sit in the front of the classroom!
Start with and advisor that is directly experienced in you area of study and visit them before enrollment each semester, call when you have questions!! Utilize the financial aid office resources and definitely go to any orientations. This is not a process that you can navigate alone.
Diversity. The world is shrinking every day due to increasing international markets, travel, and communication. Interacting with other cultures, social groups, races, and ethnicities is a truly broadening experience. These interactions increase your perspective from one point of view, your own, to many. The saying is that hind sight is 20/20. This is because in hind sight we have the ability to look at an experience from any angle. At the actual moment of making a decision, we are limited to our own perspective of the choices. The more diverse the experiences in your life, the broader that perspective is, making it all the more likely that you will be able to see not only the obvious possible outcomes of whatever choice you make, but the subtle likelihoods that are often missed, and often turn out to be the most important aspects. If I were to look for a school again, I would choose the one that would offer the greatest number of chances for me to experience things that I never had. Not everything can be learned from a book, some of the most important knowledge, comes from other people.
Explore as much of the college experience as you can. As you get older, it's harder to find the time to enjoy campus activities, especially if you are trying to work while attending college. Figure out what you are passionate about and join a group of like minded individuals, get involved in your community and be a vehicle for change.