The advice I would give to myself as a graduating senior whom already knew everything there was to know would be simple: Enroll in college and show them what you've got! Charge full speed ahead and use those proufound and thorough scholoarly ideas of yours to bowl over all those silly people who have spent their entire lives closely studying these topics. Wait till you get to a large lecture hall full of students with that are your seniors by decades and a tenured proffessor and illuminate them with your eighteen years of worldly conclusions! Keep riding on the wings of the idea that because you were at the intellectual forefront of your class of hayseeds and could tell a great bigoted joke over some cheap beer, the scholastic think tank of the world will hold a place for your sagely wisdom. Remember that if you speak first and loudest, your propably right! Then after a few crushing, failing and humbling years, I would say: If you are beginning to understand what you don't know, then you are doing something right. Keep your head up.
If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior about college life. I should advice to myself to take as much math as I could to be able to survive university calculus becasue university math is very challenging. In addition, I would adivice myself to focus in my studies and putting relationships to the side because relationships take to much of your time. This can lead to students to don't do good in school.
I know now that I didn't know who I really was as a person my perception of myself in high school wasn't fully developed. I know my friends since the sixth grade did mention to some other friends in high school that I was trying to find myself and she was right. If I would have known who I was I wouldn't have chosen a school in Idaho. I made a bad choice now I am paying for it the consequences being that I am letting affect my schoolwork and how well I could be doing in school if I would have chose a school with the right environment and this just wasn't it for me. I didn't want an environment where I would just get the book smarts out of the education I wanted to truely find myself because there wasn't enough time in high school to do it. Now that I found myself and know what I want I wouldn't have chosen Boise State University or any school in Idaho. Also I would have taken out loans instead of working while going to school.
I took high school very seriously. I was strongly encouraged by my parents to participate in sports, clubs and exceed in my classes. I graduated in top 5{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} of my class. I chose Boise State because of the location, the cost and the opportunities. When I came to Boise State, I came with the same outlook as I had in High School; "just another day...". If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior I would tell myself to take the transition into college life more seriously. I struggled most with having to study, having to attend and actually having to try to get something out of my classes.
The advise I would give myself would be to continue working hard, but never underestimate myself. I would make sure to remind myself that as long as I believe in myself, dedicate myself, and push myself, I will have no problems. I would remind myself to stay on track and not get distracted, to make sure and keep track of what it is that I plan on doing. Always try my best and give everything my all. I'd also take the time to remind myself that there is always help, all I have to do is ask. There are many different resources at a student's disposal and I just need to find out where to look.
I would tell myself to get and gear for four years of hard work. I would remind myself that I am preparing for life as a productive individual, not creating a future as a professional disc golfer. I would insist that I find friends quickly and stick with them throughout my life in and beyond college, that I encourage and help them succeed in their dreams as they would for me. I would finally remind myself that while Cs get degrees, looking back on a semester of hard work and reaping the satisfaction of a job well done is far more powerful than that piece of paper.
"Connie" I would say, "You have a baby who means the world to you and now you are pregnant again and married. You are happy and feel like being a mom is the most important thing you can be right now but, if you go to school now and get your degrees the opportunities that your children could have earlier in life, do to higher income and having a college graduate for a mother would be quadrupled. If you want to be the best mom you can for your childrens sake and your own go ahead, dont be so painfully shy so as not to ask questions and learn, and do something that can open doors for yourself and your family. Set an example that your children can be proud to follow. Do not worry what people think, just go and you will succeed. The standard of higher education for your family begins with YOU." This is what I would tell my young self.
There are two important things to do before attending college: first volunteer and second discover your self. To volunteer take at least one year and be of service to your community or a commuity over seas. Be of service to an area that is of interest to you or is your pain. Often when working with our pain we discover the blessings of our contributions. Second discover your true self: engage in spiritual processes, self-discovery courses, or enlightenment forums. The more diverse and ecclectic you chose to participate in the more your real self will show up. These two things will help you determine which academia field suits you best and how to proceed in your life.
Another thing that is important for college is money - start saving now! Even if you don't make it to college you can use the money for other endeavors. If money is short don't be afraid to utilize student loans. There is a way for everyone to financially go to college. Above all enjoy your experience of learning!
Sweetheart, you know that you have the capability with that brain of yours to accomplish anything you so choose. If you want to follow many directions that take you through contrasting subject matter, go for it. There are no limits to where your mind may choose to wander and explore. You love school and the many different pathways that are opened up with a higher education. Do not give up your passion for anyone. Not one person is worth that sacrifice. Be you and who you are is a wonderful, beautiful, intelligent human being. Make your grandfather proud!
School is not going to be easy and it's going to take a lot of sacrifice from you, but you're worth it. You will face some high hurdles, yet with strength and determination you can and will succeed. Every dream you've ever dreamt is now at your fingertips, make them happen.
I would tell myself to have fun! Enjoy college and make the best of it. Stay focused but not so focused you dont enjoy yourself. I would also stress involvment on campus. It is a great way to meet new people and learn about oppurtunities both academic nd social!